netcdf dep0003_sdeep02_scb-sgdeep002_L0_2013-10-15_data_dt {
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (672564 currently)
	dive = 337 ;
	gpsfix = 1011 ;
	string7 = 7 ;
	string32 = 32 ;
	double AD7714Ch0Gain(dive) ;
		AD7714Ch0Gain:long_name = "pressure sensor gain" ;
		AD7714Ch0Gain:units = "1" ;
		AD7714Ch0Gain:comment = "Gain assigned to the pressure sensor channel on the AD7714 analog-to-digital converter." ;
		AD7714Ch0Gain:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double AH0_10V(dive) ;
		AH0_10V:long_name = "low voltage battery pack capacity" ;
		AH0_10V:units = "A h" ;
		AH0_10V:comment = "Capacity of the 10V (low voltage) battery pack (AmpHr)." ;
		AH0_10V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double AH0_24V(dive) ;
		AH0_24V:long_name = "high voltage battery pack capacity" ;
		AH0_24V:units = "A h" ;
		AH0_24V:comment = "Capacity of the 24V (high voltage) battery pack (AmpHr)." ;
		AH0_24V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_RANGE:long_name = "altimeter bottom range to ping" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_RANGE:standard_name = "distance" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_RANGE:comment = "Range from the presumed apogee depth to ping for the bottom." ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_RANGE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth(dive) ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth:long_name = "glider depth at altimeter ping" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth:standard_name = "depth" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth:positive = "down" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth:comment = "Depth of the glider when performing bottom ping." ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_dpth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_rnge(dive) ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_rnge:long_name = "altimeter detected bottom range" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_rnge:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_rnge:comment = "Altimeter-detected distance to bottom during bottom ping." ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_rnge:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_TURN_MARGIN:long_name = "altimeter bottom turn marging" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_TURN_MARGIN:standard_name = "distance" ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_TURN_MARGIN:comment = "Distance from the altimeter detected range at which to initiate the apogee maneuver." ;
		ALTIM_BOTTOM_TURN_MARGIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_FREQUENCY(dive) ;
		ALTIM_FREQUENCY:long_name = "altimeter ping frequency" ;
		ALTIM_FREQUENCY:standard_name = "frequency" ;
		ALTIM_FREQUENCY:units = "kHz" ;
		ALTIM_FREQUENCY:comment = "Frequency to use for altimeter pings." ;
		ALTIM_FREQUENCY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_PING_DELTA(dive) ;
		ALTIM_PING_DELTA:long_name = "altimeter ping depth interval" ;
		ALTIM_PING_DELTA:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_PING_DELTA:comment = "Depth interval to repeat ping after a failed altimeter return or confirmation ping return." ;
		ALTIM_PING_DELTA:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_PING_DEPTH(dive) ;
		ALTIM_PING_DEPTH:long_name = "altimeter depth to ping" ;
		ALTIM_PING_DEPTH:standard_name = "depth" ;
		ALTIM_PING_DEPTH:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_PING_DEPTH:positive = "down" ;
		ALTIM_PING_DEPTH:comment = "Depth of the first altimeter ping." ;
		ALTIM_PING_DEPTH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_PULSE(dive) ;
		ALTIM_PULSE:long_name = "altimeter pulse width" ;
		ALTIM_PULSE:units = "ms" ;
		ALTIM_PULSE:comment = "Pulse width of altimeter pings." ;
		ALTIM_PULSE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_SENSITIVITY(dive) ;
		ALTIM_SENSITIVITY:long_name = "altimeter envelope detector sensitivity" ;
		ALTIM_SENSITIVITY:comment = "Sensitivity of the envelope detector on the altimeter." ;
		ALTIM_SENSITIVITY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE(dive) ;
		ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE:long_name = "altimeter subsurface minimum obstacle depth" ;
		ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE:comment = "Minimum obstacle depth to honor in initiating a subsurface finish." ;
		ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_TOP_PING_RANGE(dive) ;
		ALTIM_TOP_PING_RANGE:long_name = "altimeter surface range to ping" ;
		ALTIM_TOP_PING_RANGE:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_TOP_PING_RANGE:comment = "Range from the surface at which to ping the altimeter." ;
		ALTIM_TOP_PING_RANGE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ALTIM_TOP_TURN_MARGIN(dive) ;
		ALTIM_TOP_TURN_MARGIN:long_name = "altimeter top turn marging" ;
		ALTIM_TOP_TURN_MARGIN:units = "m" ;
		ALTIM_TOP_TURN_MARGIN:comment = "Distance from the altimeter detected range at which to initiate the apogee maneuver." ;
		ALTIM_TOP_TURN_MARGIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double APOGEE_PITCH(dive) ;
		APOGEE_PITCH:long_name = "apogee phase pitch" ;
		APOGEE_PITCH:units = "degree" ;
		APOGEE_PITCH:comment = "Intermediate pitch (position of the pitch mass) that Seaglider pitches to between the dive and climb phases to prevent stalling." ;
		APOGEE_PITCH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CALLS(dive) ;
		CALLS:long_name = "number of calls" ;
		CALLS:units = "1" ;
		CALLS:comment = "Total calls in an attempt to connect on previous dive surfacing." ;
		CALLS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CALL_NDIVES(dive) ;
		CALL_NDIVES:long_name = "call dive step" ;
		CALL_NDIVES:units = "1" ;
		CALL_NDIVES:comment = "Number of profiles (dive/climb cycles) to perform before attempting communications." ;
		CALL_NDIVES:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CALL_TRIES(dive) ;
		CALL_TRIES:long_name = "call maximum attempts" ;
		CALL_TRIES:units = "1" ;
		CALL_TRIES:comment = "Maximum number of phone calls to attempt during a surfacing between dives." ;
		CALL_TRIES:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CALL_WAIT(dive) ;
		CALL_WAIT:long_name = "call wait time" ;
		CALL_WAIT:units = "s" ;
		CALL_WAIT:comment = "wait time between call attempts during a communication session." ;
		CALL_WAIT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CAPMAXSIZE(dive) ;
		CAPMAXSIZE:long_name = "capture file maximum size" ;
		CAPMAXSIZE:units = "bytes" ;
		CAPMAXSIZE:comment = "Maximum size of the capture file to upload (prior to compression)." ;
		CAPMAXSIZE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CAPUPLOAD(dive) ;
		CAPUPLOAD:long_name = "capture file upload flag" ;
		CAPUPLOAD:units = "1" ;
		CAPUPLOAD:comment = "Whether upload capture file (0 = do not upload cap file, 1 = upload cap file)." ;
		CAPUPLOAD:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CAP_FILE_SIZE_field01(dive) ;
		CAP_FILE_SIZE_field01:comment = "Unknown field 01 of CAP_FILE_SIZE log parameter." ;
		CAP_FILE_SIZE_field01:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CAP_FILE_SIZE_field02(dive) ;
		CAP_FILE_SIZE_field02:comment = "Unknown field 02 of CAP_FILE_SIZE log parameter." ;
		CAP_FILE_SIZE_field02:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CF8_MAXERRORS(dive) ;
		CF8_MAXERRORS:long_name = "compact flash maximum errors" ;
		CF8_MAXERRORS:units = "1" ;
		CF8_MAXERRORS:comment = "Maximum number of compact fash errors allowed." ;
		CF8_MAXERRORS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CFSIZE_bytes_free(dive) ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_free:long_name = "compact flash free space" ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_free:units = "bytes" ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_free:comment = "Available free space on the compact flash card." ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_free:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CFSIZE_bytes_total(dive) ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_total:long_name = "compact flash capacity" ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_total:units = "bytes" ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_total:comment = "Total capacity of the compact flash card." ;
		CFSIZE_bytes_total:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double COMM_SEQ(dive) ;
		COMM_SEQ:long_name = "file transfer sequence" ;
		COMM_SEQ:units = "1" ;
		COMM_SEQ:comment = "Specification of the sequence of file transfer to use." ;
		COMM_SEQ:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double COMPASS2_DEVICE(dive) ;
		COMPASS2_DEVICE:long_name = "second compass device configuration flag" ;
		COMPASS2_DEVICE:units = "1" ;
		COMPASS2_DEVICE:comment = "Configuration flags specifying the specific model and port for the second compass and transponder/altimeter devices." ;
		COMPASS2_DEVICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double COMPASS_DEVICE(dive) ;
		COMPASS_DEVICE:long_name = "first compass device configuration flag" ;
		COMPASS_DEVICE:units = "1" ;
		COMPASS_DEVICE:comment = "Configuration flags specifying the specific model and port for the second compass and transponder/altimeter devices." ;
		COMPASS_DEVICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double COMPASS_USE(dive) ;
		COMPASS_USE:long_name = "compass use control" ;
		COMPASS_USE:units = "1" ;
		COMPASS_USE:comment = "Parameter used in development to assess compass problems (0 = trust compass inputs, use and report fully calibrated values)." ;
		COMPASS_USE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double COURSE_BIAS(dive) ;
		COURSE_BIAS:long_name = "heading bias compensation" ;
		COURSE_BIAS:units = "degree" ;
		COURSE_BIAS:comment = "A heading bias to compensate for an observed tendency of Seaglider to veer to one side." ;
		COURSE_BIAS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CURRENT_cur_dir(dive) ;
		CURRENT_cur_dir:long_name = "depth averaged current direction" ;
		CURRENT_cur_dir:standard_name = "direction_of_sea_water_velocity" ;
		CURRENT_cur_dir:units = "degree" ;
		CURRENT_cur_dir:comment = "Direction of depth averaged current calculated in some navigation modes." ;
		CURRENT_cur_dir:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CURRENT_cur_spd(dive) ;
		CURRENT_cur_spd:long_name = "depth averaged current speed" ;
		CURRENT_cur_spd:standard_name = "sea_water_speed" ;
		CURRENT_cur_spd:units = "m s-1" ;
		CURRENT_cur_spd:comment = "Speed of depth averaged current calculated in some navigation modes." ;
		CURRENT_cur_spd:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double CURRENT_cur_val(dive) ;
		CURRENT_cur_val:long_name = "depth averaged current validity" ;
		CURRENT_cur_val:units = "1" ;
		CURRENT_cur_val:comment = "Validity check of depth averaged current calculated in some navigation modes (1 = valid, 0 = invalid)." ;
		CURRENT_cur_val:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double C_PITCH(dive) ;
		C_PITCH:long_name = "pitch center position" ;
		C_PITCH:units = "counts" ;
		C_PITCH:comment = "Flat position for pitch." ;
		C_PITCH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double C_ROLL_CLIMB(dive) ;
		C_ROLL_CLIMB:long_name = "climb roll center position" ;
		C_ROLL_CLIMB:units = "counts" ;
		C_ROLL_CLIMB:comment = "Straight flight position for roll during climb phase." ;
		C_ROLL_CLIMB:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double C_ROLL_DIVE(dive) ;
		C_ROLL_DIVE:long_name = "dive roll center position" ;
		C_ROLL_DIVE:units = "counts" ;
		C_ROLL_DIVE:comment = "Straight flight position for roll during dive phase." ;
		C_ROLL_DIVE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double C_VBD(dive) ;
		C_VBD:long_name = "VBD center position" ;
		C_VBD:units = "counts" ;
		C_VBD:comment = "Neutrally buoyant position for VBD." ;
		C_VBD:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DATA_FILE_SIZE_bytes(dive) ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_bytes:long_name = "data file size" ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_bytes:units = "bytes" ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_bytes:comment = "Total size of the data file." ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_bytes:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DATA_FILE_SIZE_samples(dive) ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_samples:long_name = "number of data samples" ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_samples:units = "1" ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_samples:comment = "Number of data samples taken during the dive." ;
		DATA_FILE_SIZE_samples:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEEPGLIDER(dive) ;
		DEEPGLIDER:long_name = "Deepglider type indicator" ;
		DEEPGLIDER:comment = "Indicates whether the glider is a Deepglider instead of a standard Seaglider (0 = standard Seaglider)." ;
		DEEPGLIDER:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEEPGLIDERMB(dive) ;
		DEEPGLIDERMB:long_name = "Deepglider motherboard indicator" ;
		DEEPGLIDERMB:units = "1" ;
		DEEPGLIDERMB:comment = "Indicates whether the main board is intended for use in Deepglider (0 = standard Seaglider main board)." ;
		DEEPGLIDERMB:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE1(dive) ;
		DEVICE1:long_name = "device slot 1 configuration flag" ;
		DEVICE1:units = "1" ;
		DEVICE1:comment = "Configuration flag specifying device type and port for each of the six possible attached science sensors. Empty device slots are indicated with a parameter value of -1." ;
		DEVICE1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE2(dive) ;
		DEVICE2:long_name = "device slot 2 configuration flag" ;
		DEVICE2:units = "1" ;
		DEVICE2:comment = "Configuration flag specifying device type and port for each of the six possible attached science sensors. Empty device slots are indicated with a parameter value of -1." ;
		DEVICE2:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE3(dive) ;
		DEVICE3:long_name = "device slot 3 configuration flag" ;
		DEVICE3:units = "1" ;
		DEVICE3:comment = "Configuration flag specifying device type and port for each of the six possible attached science sensors. Empty device slots are indicated with a parameter value of -1." ;
		DEVICE3:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE4(dive) ;
		DEVICE4:long_name = "device slot 4 configuration flag" ;
		DEVICE4:units = "1" ;
		DEVICE4:comment = "Configuration flag specifying device type and port for each of the six possible attached science sensors. Empty device slots are indicated with a parameter value of -1." ;
		DEVICE4:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE5(dive) ;
		DEVICE5:long_name = "device slot 5 configuration flag" ;
		DEVICE5:units = "1" ;
		DEVICE5:comment = "Configuration flag specifying device type and port for each of the six possible attached science sensors. Empty device slots are indicated with a parameter value of -1." ;
		DEVICE5:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE6(dive) ;
		DEVICE6:long_name = "device slot 6 configuration flag" ;
		DEVICE6:units = "1" ;
		DEVICE6:comment = "Configuration flag specifying device type and port for each of the six possible attached science sensors. Empty device slots are indicated with a parameter value of -1." ;
		DEVICE6:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Analog_circuits(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Analog_circuits:long_name = "analog circuits maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Analog_circuits:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Analog_circuits:comment = "Maximum current drawn by analog circuits (including pressure sensor)." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Analog_circuits:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass:long_name = "compass maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass:comment = "Maximum current drawn by compass device." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass2(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass2:long_name = "second compass maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass2:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass2:comment = "Maximum current drawn by compass2 device." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Compass2:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS:long_name = "gps fix maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS:comment = "Maximum current drawn by GPS device for fix acquisition." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS_charging(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS_charging:long_name = "gps charging circuit maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS_charging:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS_charging:comment = "Maximum current drawn by auxiliary GPS charging circuit." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GPS_charging:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_GUMSTIX_24V(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GUMSTIX_24V:long_name = "gumstix maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GUMSTIX_24V:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GUMSTIX_24V:comment = "Maximum current drawn by Gumstix device." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_GUMSTIX_24V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_connect(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_connect:long_name = "iridium connection maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_connect:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_connect:comment = "Maximum current drawn by phone while connecting to basestation." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_connect:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_init(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_init:long_name = "iridium initialization maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_init:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_init:comment = "Maximum current drawn by phone related to turn it on." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_init:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_xfer(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_xfer:long_name = "iridium transfer maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_xfer:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_xfer:comment = "Maximum current drawn by phone during a file transfer." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Iridium_during_xfer:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_LPSleep(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_LPSleep:long_name = "low power sleep maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_LPSleep:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_LPSleep:comment = "Maximum current drawn by TT8 under low power sleep." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_LPSleep:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Pitch_motor(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Pitch_motor:long_name = "pitch motor maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Pitch_motor:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Pitch_motor:comment = "Maximum current drawn by pitch motor." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Pitch_motor:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_RAFOS(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_RAFOS:long_name = "RAFOS receiver maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_RAFOS:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_RAFOS:comment = "Maximum current drawn by RAFOS receiver." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_RAFOS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Roll_motor(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Roll_motor:long_name = "roll motor maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Roll_motor:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Roll_motor:comment = "Maximum current drawn by roll motor." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Roll_motor:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8:long_name = "TT8 2 MHz maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8:comment = "Maximum current drawn by TT8 at 2MHz." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Active(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Active:long_name = "TT8 active maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Active:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Active:comment = "Maximum current drawn by TT8 in active mode." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Active:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_CF8(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_CF8:long_name = "TT8 flash access maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_CF8:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_CF8:comment = "Maximum current drawn by TT8 while accessing compact flash memory." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_CF8:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Kalman(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Kalman:long_name = "TT8 Kalman filter maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Kalman:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Kalman:comment = "Maximum current drawn by TT8 while running the Kalman filter." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Kalman:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Sampling(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Sampling:long_name = "TT8 sampling maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Sampling:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Sampling:comment = "Maximum current drawn by TT8 while sampling sensors." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_TT8_Sampling:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder:long_name = "transponder maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder:comment = "Maximum current drawn by transponder device." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder_ping(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder_ping:long_name = "transponder ping maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder_ping:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder_ping:comment = "Maximum current drawn by transponder during an active ping." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_Transponder_ping:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_apogee(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:long_name = "VBD apogee pump maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:comment = "Maximum current drawn by VBD pump in active mode." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_surface(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_surface:long_name = "VBD surface pump maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_surface:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_surface:comment = "Maximum current drawn by VBD pump outside of dive." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_pump_during_surface:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_valve(dive) ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_valve:long_name = "VBD valve maximum current" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_valve:units = "mA" ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_valve:comment = "Maximum current drawn by VBD valve." ;
		DEVICE_MAMPS_VBD_valve:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Analog_circuits(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Analog_circuits:long_name = "analog circuits power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Analog_circuits:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Analog_circuits:comment = "Time analog circuits powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Analog_circuits:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Compass(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass:long_name = "compass power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass:comment = "Time compass device powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Compass2(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass2:long_name = "second compass power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass2:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass2:comment = "Time compass2 powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Compass2:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_GPS(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS:long_name = "gps fix power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS:comment = "Time GPS device powered on for fix acquisition." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_GPS_charging(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS_charging:long_name = "gps charging circuit power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS_charging:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS_charging:comment = "Time auxiliary GPS charging circuit powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GPS_charging:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_GUMSTIX_24V(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GUMSTIX_24V:long_name = "gumstix power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GUMSTIX_24V:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GUMSTIX_24V:comment = "Time Gumstix device powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_GUMSTIX_24V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_connect(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_connect:long_name = "iridium connection powe time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_connect:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_connect:comment = "Time phone powered on while connecting to basestation." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_connect:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_init(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_init:long_name = "iridium initialization powe time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_init:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_init:comment = "Time phone powered on to turn it on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_init:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_xfer(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_xfer:long_name = "iridium transfer powe time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_xfer:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_xfer:comment = "Time phone powered on during a file transfer." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Iridium_during_xfer:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_LPSleep(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_LPSleep:long_name = "low power sleep powe time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_LPSleep:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_LPSleep:comment = "Time TT8 powered on under low power sleep." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_LPSleep:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Pitch_motor(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Pitch_motor:long_name = "pitch motor powe time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Pitch_motor:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Pitch_motor:comment = "Time pitch motor powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Pitch_motor:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_RAFOS(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_RAFOS:long_name = "RAFOS receiver powe time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_RAFOS:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_RAFOS:comment = "Time RAFOS receiver powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_RAFOS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Roll_motor(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Roll_motor:long_name = "roll motor power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Roll_motor:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Roll_motor:comment = "Time roll motor powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Roll_motor:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_TT8(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8:long_name = "TT8 2 MHz power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8:comment = "Time TT8 at 2MHz powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Active(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Active:long_name = "TT8 active power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Active:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Active:comment = "Time TT8  powered on in active mode." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Active:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_TT8_CF8(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_CF8:long_name = "TT8 flash access power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_CF8:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_CF8:comment = "Time TT8 powered on while accessing compact flash memory." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_CF8:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Kalman(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Kalman:long_name = "TT8 Kalman filter power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Kalman:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Kalman:comment = "Time TT8 powered on while running the Kalman filter." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Kalman:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Sampling(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Sampling:long_name = "TT8 sampling power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Sampling:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Sampling:comment = "Time TT8 powered on while sampling sensors." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_TT8_Sampling:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Transponder(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder:long_name = "transponder power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder:comment = "Time transponder device powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_Transponder_ping(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder_ping:long_name = "transponder ping power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder_ping:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder_ping:comment = "Time transponder powered on during an active ping." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_Transponder_ping:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_apogee(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:long_name = "VBD apogee pump power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:comment = "Time VBD pump powered on in active mode." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_apogee:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_surface(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_surface:long_name = "VBD surface pump power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_surface:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_surface:comment = "Time VBD pump powered on outside of dive." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_pump_during_surface:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DEVICE_SECS_VBD_valve(dive) ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_valve:long_name = "VBD valve power time" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_valve:units = "s" ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_valve:comment = "Time VBD valve powered on." ;
		DEVICE_SECS_VBD_valve:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double DIVE(dive) ;
		DIVE:long_name = "dive number" ;
		DIVE:units = "1" ;
		DIVE:comment = "Dive number in current mission." ;
		DIVE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_ABORT(dive) ;
		D_ABORT:long_name = "allowed maximum depth" ;
		D_ABORT:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_ABORT:units = "m" ;
		D_ABORT:positive = "down" ;
		D_ABORT:comment = "Maximum depth for Seaglider operations." ;
		D_ABORT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_BOOST(dive) ;
		D_BOOST:long_name = "boost depth" ;
		D_BOOST:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_BOOST:units = "m" ;
		D_BOOST:positive = "down" ;
		D_BOOST:comment = "Depth above which only boost pump runs." ;
		D_BOOST:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_CALL(dive) ;
		D_CALL:long_name = "call depth" ;
		D_CALL:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_CALL:units = "m" ;
		D_CALL:positive = "down" ;
		D_CALL:comment = "GPS acquisition and Iridium phone call starting depth." ;
		D_CALL:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_FINISH(dive) ;
		D_FINISH:long_name = "finish depth" ;
		D_FINISH:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_FINISH:units = "m" ;
		D_FINISH:positive = "down" ;
		D_FINISH:comment = "Depth to finish the dive." ;
		D_FINISH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_FLARE(dive) ;
		D_FLARE:long_name = "flare depth" ;
		D_FLARE:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_FLARE:units = "m" ;
		D_FLARE:positive = "down" ;
		D_FLARE:comment = "Depth to flare to the computed pitch angle following the initial dive from the surface." ;
		D_FLARE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_GRID(dive) ;
		D_GRID:long_name = "bathymetry apogee depth" ;
		D_GRID:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_GRID:units = "m" ;
		D_GRID:positive = "down" ;
		D_GRID:comment = "Bathymetry map depth where apogee state begins." ;
		D_GRID:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_NO_BLEED(dive) ;
		D_NO_BLEED:long_name = "no bleed depth" ;
		D_NO_BLEED:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_NO_BLEED:units = "m" ;
		D_NO_BLEED:positive = "down" ;
		D_NO_BLEED:comment = "Depth below which no oil bleeds from the bladder." ;
		D_NO_BLEED:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_OFFGRID(dive) ;
		D_OFFGRID:long_name = "off-grid depth" ;
		D_OFFGRID:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_OFFGRID:units = "m" ;
		D_OFFGRID:positive = "down" ;
		D_OFFGRID:comment = "Bathymetry map depth value used outside the map area." ;
		D_OFFGRID:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_PITCH(dive) ;
		D_PITCH:long_name = "pitch depth" ;
		D_PITCH:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_PITCH:units = "m" ;
		D_PITCH:positive = "down" ;
		D_PITCH:comment = "Depth to reach before surface pitch mneuver." ;
		D_PITCH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_SAFE(dive) ;
		D_SAFE:long_name = "safe depth" ;
		D_SAFE:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_SAFE:units = "m" ;
		D_SAFE:positive = "down" ;
		D_SAFE:comment = "Target depth for escape route flight and VBD depth safety limit." ;
		D_SAFE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_SURF(dive) ;
		D_SURF:long_name = "surface depth" ;
		D_SURF:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_SURF:units = "m" ;
		D_SURF:positive = "down" ;
		D_SURF:comment = "Depth to surface approach." ;
		D_SURF:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double D_TGT(dive) ;
		D_TGT:long_name = "target depth" ;
		D_TGT:standard_name = "depth" ;
		D_TGT:units = "m" ;
		D_TGT:positive = "down" ;
		D_TGT:comment = "Depth to reach to start apogee phase." ;
		D_TGT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_bufoverrun(dive) ;
		ERRORS_bufoverrun:long_name = "buffer overrun errors" ;
		ERRORS_bufoverrun:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_bufoverrun:comment = "Number of times the log file output is longer than the internal buffer length." ;
		ERRORS_bufoverrun:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_fclos_errs(dive) ;
		ERRORS_fclos_errs:long_name = "close file errors" ;
		ERRORS_fclos_errs:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_fclos_errs:comment = "Number of CF8 errors while closing files." ;
		ERRORS_fclos_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_fclos_rets(dive) ;
		ERRORS_fclos_rets:long_name = "close file retries" ;
		ERRORS_fclos_rets:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_fclos_rets:comment = "Number of CF8 retries while closing files." ;
		ERRORS_fclos_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_fopen_errs(dive) ;
		ERRORS_fopen_errs:long_name = "open file errors" ;
		ERRORS_fopen_errs:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_fopen_errs:comment = "Number of CF8 errors while opening files." ;
		ERRORS_fopen_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_fopen_rets(dive) ;
		ERRORS_fopen_rets:long_name = "open file retries" ;
		ERRORS_fopen_rets:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_fopen_rets:comment = "Number of CF8 retries while opening files." ;
		ERRORS_fopen_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_fwrit_errs(dive) ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_errs:long_name = "write file errors" ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_errs:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_errs:comment = "Number of CF8 errors while writing files." ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_fwrit_rets(dive) ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_rets:long_name = "write file retries" ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_rets:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_rets:comment = "Number of CF8 retries while writing files." ;
		ERRORS_fwrit_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_gps_mis(dive) ;
		ERRORS_gps_mis:long_name = "gps missing errors" ;
		ERRORS_gps_mis:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_gps_mis:comment = "Number of times GPS did not provide data records within the 2 second timeout." ;
		ERRORS_gps_mis:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_gps_pps(dive) ;
		ERRORS_gps_pps:long_name = "gps pulse per second errors" ;
		ERRORS_gps_pps:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_gps_pps:comment = "Number of GPS pulse per second (PPS) errors." ;
		ERRORS_gps_pps:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_interrupts(dive) ;
		ERRORS_interrupts:long_name = "interrupt errors" ;
		ERRORS_interrupts:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_interrupts:comment = "Number of spurious interrupts resultin from division by zero, memory dereference problems, or interrupt contention." ;
		ERRORS_interrupts:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_ptch_errs(dive) ;
		ERRORS_ptch_errs:long_name = "pitch errors" ;
		ERRORS_ptch_errs:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_ptch_errs:comment = "Number of pitch errors." ;
		ERRORS_ptch_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_ptch_rets(dive) ;
		ERRORS_ptch_rets:long_name = "pitch retries" ;
		ERRORS_ptch_rets:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_ptch_rets:comment = "Number of pitch retries." ;
		ERRORS_ptch_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_roll_errs(dive) ;
		ERRORS_roll_errs:long_name = "roll errors" ;
		ERRORS_roll_errs:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_roll_errs:comment = "Number of roll errors." ;
		ERRORS_roll_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_roll_rets(dive) ;
		ERRORS_roll_rets:long_name = "roll retries" ;
		ERRORS_roll_rets:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_roll_rets:comment = "Number of roll retries." ;
		ERRORS_roll_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_vbd_errs(dive) ;
		ERRORS_vbd_errs:long_name = "VBD errors" ;
		ERRORS_vbd_errs:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_vbd_errs:comment = "Number of VBD errors." ;
		ERRORS_vbd_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ERRORS_vbd_rets(dive) ;
		ERRORS_vbd_rets:long_name = "VBD retries" ;
		ERRORS_vbd_rets:units = "1" ;
		ERRORS_vbd_rets:comment = "Number of VBD retries." ;
		ERRORS_vbd_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ESCAPE_HEADING(dive) ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING:long_name = "escape heading" ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING:units = "degree" ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING:comment = "Base heading to steer in an escape recovery situation when either no position fix is available or no escape target in targets file." ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ESCAPE_HEADING_DELTA(dive) ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING_DELTA:long_name = "eascape heading increment" ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING_DELTA:units = "degree" ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING_DELTA:comment = "Escape heading increment according to bottom depth change." ;
		ESCAPE_HEADING_DELTA:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FERRY_MAX(dive) ;
		FERRY_MAX:long_name = "maximum rhumb line correction" ;
		FERRY_MAX:units = "degree" ;
		FERRY_MAX:comment = "Maximum correction to apply to the rhumb line to the next waypoint when NAV_MODE = 2." ;
		FERRY_MAX:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FG_AHR_10V(dive) ;
		FG_AHR_10V:long_name = "low voltage battery pack consumption" ;
		FG_AHR_10V:units = "A h" ;
		FG_AHR_10V:comment = "Cumulative power consumed from the low voltage battery pack (10 V) as tracked by the supervisor fuel gauge." ;
		FG_AHR_10V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FG_AHR_10Vo(dive) ;
		FG_AHR_10Vo:long_name = "low voltage battery pack dive end consumption" ;
		FG_AHR_10Vo:units = "A h" ;
		FG_AHR_10Vo:comment = "Cumulative power consumed from the low voltage battery pack (24 V) as tracked by the supervisor fuel gauge and recorded at the end of the dive." ;
		FG_AHR_10Vo:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FG_AHR_24V(dive) ;
		FG_AHR_24V:long_name = "high voltage battery pack consumption" ;
		FG_AHR_24V:units = "A h" ;
		FG_AHR_24V:comment = "Cumulative power consumed from the high voltage battery pack (24 V) as tracked by the supervisor fuel gauge." ;
		FG_AHR_24V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FG_AHR_24Vo(dive) ;
		FG_AHR_24Vo:long_name = "high voltage battery pack dive end consumption" ;
		FG_AHR_24Vo:units = "A h" ;
		FG_AHR_24Vo:comment = "Cumulative power consumed from the high voltage battery pack (24 V) as tracked by the supervisor fuel gauge and recorded at the end of the dive." ;
		FG_AHR_24Vo:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FILEMGR(dive) ;
		FILEMGR:long_name = "file management agressivity" ;
		FILEMGR:units = "1" ;
		FILEMGR:comment = "Onboard file system management agressivity (0 = none, 1 = only store compressed files, 2 = delete splits on failed phone call)." ;
		FILEMGR:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FINISH_dens(dive) ;
		FINISH_dens:long_name = "finish density" ;
		FINISH_dens:standard_name = "sea_water_density" ;
		FINISH_dens:units = "kg l-1" ;
		FINISH_dens:comment = "Density of water at the first sample taken after reaching D_SURF (or D_FINISH, if enabled)." ;
		FINISH_dens:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FINISH_dpth(dive) ;
		FINISH_dpth:long_name = "finish depth" ;
		FINISH_dpth:standard_name = "depth" ;
		FINISH_dpth:units = "m" ;
		FINISH_dpth:positive = "down" ;
		FINISH_dpth:comment = "Depth of glider at the first sample taken after reaching D_SURF (or D_FINISH, if enabled)." ;
		FINISH_dpth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double FIX_MISSING_TIMEOUT(dive) ;
		FIX_MISSING_TIMEOUT:long_name = "missing navigation fix timeout" ;
		FIX_MISSING_TIMEOUT:units = "days" ;
		FIX_MISSING_TIMEOUT:comment = "Maximum time allowed without any valid navigation fix (GPS, RAFOS, Iridium geolocation) before entering into recovery state." ;
		FIX_MISSING_TIMEOUT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_data_pts(time) ;
		GC_data_pts:long_name = "data points" ;
		GC_data_pts:units = "1" ;
		GC_data_pts:comment = "Number of data records collected thus far in the dive." ;
		GC_data_pts:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_end_secs(time) ;
		GC_end_secs:long_name = "gc end elapsed time" ;
		GC_end_secs:units = "s" ;
		GC_end_secs:comment = "Elapsed time from the start of the dive to the end of the GC." ;
		GC_end_secs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_ob_vertv(time) ;
		GC_ob_vertv:long_name = "observed vertical velocity" ;
		GC_ob_vertv:units = "cm s-1" ;
		GC_ob_vertv:comment = "Observed vertical velocity." ;
		GC_ob_vertv:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_phase(time) ;
		GC_phase:long_name = "gc phase" ;
		GC_phase:units = "1" ;
		GC_phase:comment = "Guidance and control phase (1: pitch change, 2: VBD change, 3: roll, 4: turning (passive), 5: roll back to center, 6: passive mode waiting)." ;
		GC_phase:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_pitch_ad(time) ;
		GC_pitch_ad:long_name = "gc pitch position" ;
		GC_pitch_ad:units = "counts" ;
		GC_pitch_ad:comment = "Position of the pitch motor at the end of the motor move." ;
		GC_pitch_ad:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_pitch_ctl(time) ;
		GC_pitch_ctl:long_name = "gc pitch control" ;
		GC_pitch_ctl:units = "cm" ;
		GC_pitch_ctl:comment = "Position of the pitch mass relative to pitch center (positive aft)." ;
		GC_pitch_ctl:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_pitch_errors(time) ;
		GC_pitch_errors:long_name = "gc pitch errors" ;
		GC_pitch_errors:units = "1" ;
		GC_pitch_errors:comment = "Number of pitch motor errors (timeouts) during this motor move." ;
		GC_pitch_errors:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_pitch_i(time) ;
		GC_pitch_i:long_name = "gc pitch motor current" ;
		GC_pitch_i:units = "A" ;
		GC_pitch_i:comment = "Average current used by pitch motor." ;
		GC_pitch_i:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_pitch_retries(time) ;
		GC_pitch_retries:long_name = "gc pitch motor retries" ;
		GC_pitch_retries:units = "1" ;
		GC_pitch_retries:comment = "Number of retries during this pitch motor move." ;
		GC_pitch_retries:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_pitch_secs(time) ;
		GC_pitch_secs:long_name = "gc pitch motor time" ;
		GC_pitch_secs:units = "s" ;
		GC_pitch_secs:comment = "Time the pitch motor was on." ;
		GC_pitch_secs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_roll_ad(time) ;
		GC_roll_ad:long_name = "gc roll position" ;
		GC_roll_ad:units = "counts" ;
		GC_roll_ad:comment = "Position of the roll motor at the end of the motor move." ;
		GC_roll_ad:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_roll_errors(time) ;
		GC_roll_errors:long_name = "gc roll errors" ;
		GC_roll_errors:units = "1" ;
		GC_roll_errors:comment = "Number of roll motor errors (timeouts) during this motor move." ;
		GC_roll_errors:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_roll_i(time) ;
		GC_roll_i:long_name = "gc roll motor current" ;
		GC_roll_i:units = "A" ;
		GC_roll_i:comment = "Average current used by roll motor." ;
		GC_roll_i:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_roll_retries(time) ;
		GC_roll_retries:long_name = "gc roll motor retries" ;
		GC_roll_retries:units = "1" ;
		GC_roll_retries:comment = "Number of retries during this roll motor move." ;
		GC_roll_retries:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_roll_secs(time) ;
		GC_roll_secs:long_name = "gc roll motor time" ;
		GC_roll_secs:units = "s" ;
		GC_roll_secs:comment = "Time the roll motor was on." ;
		GC_roll_secs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_vbd_ad(time) ;
		GC_vbd_ad:long_name = "gc VBD position" ;
		GC_vbd_ad:units = "counts" ;
		GC_vbd_ad:comment = "Position of the VBD at the end of the motor move." ;
		GC_vbd_ad:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_vbd_ctl(time) ;
		GC_vbd_ctl:long_name = "gc VBD control" ;
		GC_vbd_ctl:units = "cm3" ;
		GC_vbd_ctl:comment = "Position of the VBD mass relative to VBD center (positive buoyant)." ;
		GC_vbd_ctl:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_vbd_errors(time) ;
		GC_vbd_errors:long_name = "gc VBD errors" ;
		GC_vbd_errors:units = "1" ;
		GC_vbd_errors:comment = "Number of VBD errors (timeouts) during this motor move." ;
		GC_vbd_errors:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_vbd_i(time) ;
		GC_vbd_i:long_name = "gc VBD current" ;
		GC_vbd_i:units = "A" ;
		GC_vbd_i:comment = "Average current used by VBD." ;
		GC_vbd_i:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_vbd_retries(time) ;
		GC_vbd_retries:long_name = "gc VBD retries" ;
		GC_vbd_retries:units = "1" ;
		GC_vbd_retries:comment = "Number of retries during this VBD move." ;
		GC_vbd_retries:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GC_vbd_secs(time) ;
		GC_vbd_secs:long_name = "gc VBD time" ;
		GC_vbd_secs:units = "s" ;
		GC_vbd_secs:comment = "Time the VBD was on." ;
		GC_vbd_secs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GLIDE_SLOPE(dive) ;
		GLIDE_SLOPE:long_name = "maximum glide slope" ;
		GLIDE_SLOPE:units = "degree" ;
		GLIDE_SLOPE:comment = "Absolute value of the maximum glide slope allowed." ;
		GLIDE_SLOPE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	char GPSFIX_ddmmyy(gpsfix, string7) ;
		GPSFIX_ddmmyy:long_name = "GPS date stamp" ;
		GPSFIX_ddmmyy:comment = "Day of month (dd), month of year (mm), 2-digit year (yy) UTC" ;
		GPSFIX_ddmmyy:_FillValue = "" ;
	double GPSFIX_fixlat(gpsfix) ;
		GPSFIX_fixlat:long_name = "gps latitude" ;
		GPSFIX_fixlat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		GPSFIX_fixlat:units = "nmea_degree" ;
		GPSFIX_fixlat:comment = "Latitude coordinate of GPS fix." ;
		GPSFIX_fixlat:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GPSFIX_fixlon(gpsfix) ;
		GPSFIX_fixlon:long_name = "gps longitude" ;
		GPSFIX_fixlon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		GPSFIX_fixlon:units = "nmea_degree" ;
		GPSFIX_fixlon:comment = "Longitude coordinate of GPS fix." ;
		GPSFIX_fixlon:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	char GPSFIX_hhmmss(gpsfix, string7) ;
		GPSFIX_hhmmss:long_name = "gps time stamp" ;
		GPSFIX_hhmmss:comment = "Hour (hh), minute (mm), second (ss) UTC" ;
		GPSFIX_hhmmss:_FillValue = "" ;
	double GPSFIX_hordop(gpsfix) ;
		GPSFIX_hordop:long_name = "horizontal dilution of precision" ;
		GPSFIX_hordop:comment = "Measure of the strength of the figure used to compute the GPS fix." ;
		GPSFIX_hordop:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GPSFIX_magvar(gpsfix) ;
		GPSFIX_magvar:long_name = "gps magnetic variation" ;
		GPSFIX_magvar:units = "degree" ;
		GPSFIX_magvar:comment = "Magnetic variation, positive east." ;
		GPSFIX_magvar:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GPSFIX_ttafix(gpsfix) ;
		GPSFIX_ttafix:long_name = "gps time to acquire fix" ;
		GPSFIX_ttafix:comment = "Total time to acquire fix." ;
		GPSFIX_ttafix:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GPSFIX_ttffix(gpsfix) ;
		GPSFIX_ttffix:long_name = "gps time to first fix" ;
		GPSFIX_ttffix:units = "s" ;
		GPSFIX_ttffix:comment = "Time to first fix," ;
		GPSFIX_ttffix:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double GPS_DEVICE(dive) ;
		GPS_DEVICE:long_name = "GPS device model" ;
		GPS_DEVICE:units = "1" ;
		GPS_DEVICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HD_A(dive) ;
		HD_A:long_name = "lift coefficient" ;
		HD_A:comment = "Hydrodynamic parameter representing the lift coefficient determined empirically and used in onboard performance prediction and guidance calculations." ;
		HD_A:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HD_B(dive) ;
		HD_B:long_name = "drag coefficient" ;
		HD_B:comment = "Hydrodynamic parameter representing the drag coefficient determined empirically and used in onboard performance prediction and guidance calculations." ;
		HD_B:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HD_C(dive) ;
		HD_C:long_name = "induced drag coefficient" ;
		HD_C:comment = "Hydrodynamic parameter representing the induced drag coefficient determined empirically and used in on-board performance prediction and guidance calculations." ;
		HD_C:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HEADING(dive) ;
		HEADING:long_name = "navigation heading" ;
		HEADING:units = "degree" ;
		HEADING:comment = "Syntetic waypoint heading (NAV_MODE 0,1 or 2) or heading offset from depth-averaged current (NAV_MODE 3)." ;
		HEADING:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HEAD_ERRBAND(dive) ;
		HEAD_ERRBAND:long_name = "heading deadband" ;
		HEAD_ERRBAND:units = "degree" ;
		HEAD_ERRBAND:comment = "Heading minimum error to recquire a correction in guidance and control mode." ;
		HEAD_ERRBAND:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HEAPDBG(dive) ;
		HEAPDBG:long_name = "heap debug control" ;
		HEAPDBG:units = "1" ;
		HEAPDBG:comment = "Control of the extended heap debugging function." ;
		HEAPDBG:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double HUMID(dive) ;
		HUMID:long_name = "internal humidity" ;
		HUMID:units = "%" ;
		HUMID:comment = "Relative humidity inside the pressure hull." ;
		HUMID:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ICE_FREEZE_MARGIN(dive) ;
		ICE_FREEZE_MARGIN:long_name = "freezing point temperature margin" ;
		ICE_FREEZE_MARGIN:units = "Celsius" ;
		ICE_FREEZE_MARGIN:comment = "Temperature margin used in the freezing point calculation." ;
		ICE_FREEZE_MARGIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ID(dive) ;
		ID:long_name = "identification number" ;
		ID:units = "1" ;
		ID:comment = "Seglider identification (serial) number." ;
		ID:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double INTERNAL_PRESSURE(dive) ;
		INTERNAL_PRESSURE:long_name = "internal pressure" ;
		INTERNAL_PRESSURE:units = "psia" ;
		INTERNAL_PRESSURE:comment = "Pressure inside the pressure hull" ;
		INTERNAL_PRESSURE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double INT_PRESSURE_SLOPE(dive) ;
		INT_PRESSURE_SLOPE:long_name = "internal pressure calibration slope" ;
		INT_PRESSURE_SLOPE:units = "psia counts-1" ;
		INT_PRESSURE_SLOPE:comment = "Slope calibration of the internal pressure sensor." ;
		INT_PRESSURE_SLOPE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double INT_PRESSURE_YINT(dive) ;
		INT_PRESSURE_YINT:long_name = "internal pressure calibration intercept" ;
		INT_PRESSURE_YINT:units = "psia" ;
		INT_PRESSURE_YINT:comment = "Y-intercept calibration of the internal pressure sensor." ;
		INT_PRESSURE_YINT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double IRIDIUM_FIX_field01(dive) ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field01:comment = "Unknown field 01 of IRIDIUM_FIX log parameter." ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field01:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double IRIDIUM_FIX_field02(dive) ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field02:comment = "Unknown field 02 of IRIDIUM_FIX log parameter." ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field02:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double IRIDIUM_FIX_field03(dive) ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field03:comment = "Unknown field 03 of IRIDIUM_FIX log parameter." ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field03:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double IRIDIUM_FIX_field04(dive) ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field04:comment = "Unknown field 04 of IRIDIUM_FIX log parameter." ;
		IRIDIUM_FIX_field04:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_east(dive) ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_east:long_name = "desired eastward speed" ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_east:units = "m s-1" ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_east:comment = "Eastward component of horizontal speed from which heading is derived." ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_east:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_nrth(dive) ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_nrth:long_name = "desired northward speed" ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_nrth:units = "m s-1" ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_nrth:comment = "Northward component of horizontal speed from which heading is derived." ;
		KALMAN_CONTROL_spd_nrth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_USE(dive) ;
		KALMAN_USE:long_name = "navigation Kalman filter control" ;
		KALMAN_USE:units = "1" ;
		KALMAN_USE:comment = "Control parameter for the run state of the Kalman filter navigation program (0 = reset Kalman filter, 1 = run Kalman filter, 2 = do not run the Kalman filter)." ;
		KALMAN_USE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_X_cur_diur_east(dive) ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_diur_east:long_name = "Kalman filter diurnal current easting" ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_diur_east:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_diur_east:comment = "East position relative to initial position at time tk due to diurnal current." ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_diur_east:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_X_cur_mean_east(dive) ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_mean_east:long_name = "Kalman filter mean current easting" ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_mean_east:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_mean_east:comment = "East position relative to initial position at time tk due to mean current." ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_mean_east:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_X_cur_semi_east(dive) ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_semi_east:long_name = "Kalman filter semidiurnal current easting" ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_semi_east:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_semi_east:comment = "East position relative to initial position at time tk due to semidiurnal current." ;
		KALMAN_X_cur_semi_east:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_X_delta_x(dive) ;
		KALMAN_X_delta_x:long_name = "Kalman filter x displacement" ;
		KALMAN_X_delta_x:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_X_delta_x:comment = "X displacement from present position to predicted position due to mean, diurnal and semidiurnal components of the model." ;
		KALMAN_X_delta_x:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_X_gld_wspd_east(dive) ;
		KALMAN_X_gld_wspd_east:long_name = "Kalman filter glider speed easting" ;
		KALMAN_X_gld_wspd_east:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_X_gld_wspd_east:comment = "East position relative to initial position at time tk due to glider speed through water." ;
		KALMAN_X_gld_wspd_east:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_Y_cur_diur_nrth(dive) ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_diur_nrth:long_name = "Kalman filter diurnal current northing" ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_diur_nrth:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_diur_nrth:comment = "North position relative to initial position at time tk due to diurnal current." ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_diur_nrth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_Y_cur_mean_nrth(dive) ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_mean_nrth:long_name = "Kalman filter mean current northing" ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_mean_nrth:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_mean_nrth:comment = "North position relative to initial position at time tk due to mean current." ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_mean_nrth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_Y_cur_semi_nrth(dive) ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_semi_nrth:long_name = "Kalman filter semidiurnal current northing" ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_semi_nrth:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_semi_nrth:comment = "North position relative to initial position at time tk due to semidiurnal current." ;
		KALMAN_Y_cur_semi_nrth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_Y_delta_y(dive) ;
		KALMAN_Y_delta_y:long_name = "Kalman filter y displacement" ;
		KALMAN_Y_delta_y:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_Y_delta_y:comment = "Y displacement from present position to predicted position due to mean, diurnal and semidiurnal components of the model." ;
		KALMAN_Y_delta_y:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KALMAN_Y_gld_wspd_nrth(dive) ;
		KALMAN_Y_gld_wspd_nrth:long_name = "Kalman filter glider speed northing" ;
		KALMAN_Y_gld_wspd_nrth:units = "m" ;
		KALMAN_Y_gld_wspd_nrth:comment = "North position relative to initial position at time tk due to glider speed through water." ;
		KALMAN_Y_gld_wspd_nrth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double KERMIT(dive) ;
		KERMIT:long_name = "kermit control" ;
		KERMIT:comment = "Control of the use of kermit (vs xmodem) for file transfers. Not used." ;
		KERMIT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double LOGGERDEVICE1(dive) ;
		LOGGERDEVICE1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double LOGGERDEVICE2(dive) ;
		LOGGERDEVICE2:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double LOGGERS(dive) ;
		LOGGERS:long_name = "logger bitmask" ;
		LOGGERS:comment = "bit mask for the autonomous logging devices configured with the Autonomous Logger Interface (ALI)." ;
		LOGGERS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MASS(dive) ;
		MASS:long_name = "glider mass" ;
		MASS:standard_name = "mass" ;
		MASS:units = "g" ;
		MASS:comment = "Mass used in onboard buoyancy and current estimation calculation." ;
		MASS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MAX_BUOY(dive) ;
		MAX_BUOY:long_name = "maximum negative thrust" ;
		MAX_BUOY:units = "cm3" ;
		MAX_BUOY:comment = "Absolute value of the maximum negative thrust (in cc) that Seaglider is allowed to develop during the dive phase." ;
		MAX_BUOY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MEM(dive) ;
		MEM:long_name = "free RAM memory" ;
		MEM:units = "bytes" ;
		MEM:comment = "Amount of free RAM reported by the glider." ;
		MEM:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_mag_head(dive) ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_mag_head:long_name = "desired magnetic heading" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_mag_head:units = "degree" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_mag_head:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_ptch_ang(dive) ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_ptch_ang:long_name = "desired pitch angle" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_ptch_ang:units = "degree" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_ptch_ang:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_tgt_rnge(dive) ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_tgt_rnge:long_name = "targer range" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_tgt_rnge:units = "m" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_tgt_rnge:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_vert_vel(dive) ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_vert_vel:long_name = "desired vertical velocity" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_vert_vel:units = "m s-1" ;
		MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd_vert_vel:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MINV_10V(dive) ;
		MINV_10V:long_name = "low voltage battery pack minimum voltage allowed" ;
		MINV_10V:units = "V" ;
		MINV_10V:comment = "minimum allowable observed voltage on the low voltage battery pack before going into recovery." ;
		MINV_10V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MINV_24V(dive) ;
		MINV_24V:long_name = "high voltage battery pack minimum voltage allowed" ;
		MINV_24V:units = "V" ;
		MINV_24V:comment = "minimum allowable observed voltage on the low voltage battery pack before going into recovery." ;
		MINV_24V:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MISSION(dive) ;
		MISSION:long_name = "mission number" ;
		MISSION:units = "1" ;
		MISSION:comment = "Current mission number." ;
		MISSION:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double MOTHERBOARD(dive) ;
		MOTHERBOARD:long_name = "motherboard revision" ;
		MOTHERBOARD:units = "1" ;
		MOTHERBOARD:comment = "Revision of the carried motherboard." ;
		MOTHERBOARD:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double NAV_MODE(dive) ;
		NAV_MODE:long_name = "navigation mode" ;
		NAV_MODE:units = "1" ;
		NAV_MODE:comment = "Heading selection method (0 = constant HEADING, 1 = KALMAN_USE, 2 = ferry angle correction wrt depth-averaged current, 3 = HEADING relative to depth-averaged current)." ;
		NAV_MODE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double N_FILEKB(dive) ;
		N_FILEKB:long_name = "data upload file size" ;
		N_FILEKB:units = "kbytes" ;
		N_FILEKB:comment = "Size and type of file used for data uploading (disable gzip compression if negative)." ;
		N_FILEKB:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double N_GPS(dive) ;
		N_GPS:long_name = "gps maximum time" ;
		N_GPS:units = "s" ;
		N_GPS:comment = "Time to wait after the first GPS fix is received for a GPS fix with HDOP less than 2.0." ;
		N_GPS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double N_NOCOMM(dive) ;
		N_NOCOMM:long_name = "allowed no-communication dives" ;
		N_NOCOMM:units = "1" ;
		N_NOCOMM:comment = "Number of dives allowed without a complete and successful data communication session before setting the surface buoyancy parameter to the allowed maximum." ;
		N_NOCOMM:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double N_NOSURFACE(dive) ;
		N_NOSURFACE:long_name = "non-surfacing dive control" ;
		N_NOSURFACE:units = "1" ;
		N_NOSURFACE:comment = "Control of surfacing and non-surfacing dives. If positive dives multiple of N_NOSURFACE will complete at subsurface instead of surface. A negative value reverses this logic." ;
		N_NOSURFACE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PHONE_DEVICE(dive) ;
		PHONE_DEVICE:long_name = "phone device model" ;
		PHONE_DEVICE:units = "1" ;
		PHONE_DEVICE:comment = "Model of the attached phone device." ;
		PHONE_DEVICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PHONE_SUPPLY(dive) ;
		PHONE_SUPPLY:long_name = "phone power supply" ;
		PHONE_SUPPLY:comment = "Iridium modem power usage attribution (1 = 10V battery, 2 = 24V battery)." ;
		PHONE_SUPPLY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_ADJ_DBAND(dive) ;
		PITCH_ADJ_DBAND:long_name = "pitch control deadband" ;
		PITCH_ADJ_DBAND:units = "degree" ;
		PITCH_ADJ_DBAND:comment = "Allowed deadband for active pitch control during dive and climb." ;
		PITCH_ADJ_DBAND:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_ADJ_GAIN(dive) ;
		PITCH_ADJ_GAIN:long_name = "pitch control gain" ;
		PITCH_ADJ_GAIN:units = "cm degree-1" ;
		PITCH_ADJ_GAIN:comment = "Adjustment factor for active pitch control during dive and climb." ;
		PITCH_ADJ_GAIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_AD_RATE(dive) ;
		PITCH_AD_RATE:long_name = "pitch rate retry threshold" ;
		PITCH_AD_RATE:units = "count s-1" ;
		PITCH_AD_RATE:comment = "Pitch rate threshold for retries when pitching." ;
		PITCH_AD_RATE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_CNV(dive) ;
		PITCH_CNV:long_name = "pitch position conversion factor" ;
		PITCH_CNV:units = "cm counts-1" ;
		PITCH_CNV:comment = "Pitch position conversion factor set by manufacturer or assembler." ;
		PITCH_CNV:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_DBAND(dive) ;
		PITCH_DBAND:long_name = "pitch deadband" ;
		PITCH_DBAND:units = "cm" ;
		PITCH_DBAND:comment = "Pitch position deadband (cm) within which no further pitch motion is commanded." ;
		PITCH_DBAND:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_GAIN(dive) ;
		PITCH_GAIN:long_name = "pitch gain" ;
		PITCH_GAIN:units = "degree cm-1" ;
		PITCH_GAIN:comment = "Amount of vehicle pitch change corresponding to a 1 cm movement of the pitch mass." ;
		PITCH_GAIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_MAX(dive) ;
		PITCH_MAX:long_name = "pitch maximum position" ;
		PITCH_MAX:units = "counts" ;
		PITCH_MAX:comment = "Pitch position software limit aft." ;
		PITCH_MAX:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_MAXERRORS(dive) ;
		PITCH_MAXERRORS:long_name = "maximum pitch errors" ;
		PITCH_MAXERRORS:units = "1" ;
		PITCH_MAXERRORS:comment = "Number of pitch motor errors allowed before going into recovery state." ;
		PITCH_MAXERRORS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_MIN(dive) ;
		PITCH_MIN:long_name = "pitch minimum position" ;
		PITCH_MIN:units = "counts" ;
		PITCH_MIN:comment = "Pitch position software limit forward." ;
		PITCH_MIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_TIMEOUT(dive) ;
		PITCH_TIMEOUT:long_name = "pitch timeout" ;
		PITCH_TIMEOUT:units = "s" ;
		PITCH_TIMEOUT:comment = "Time allowed the mass shifter to achieve the desired pitch position." ;
		PITCH_TIMEOUT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PITCH_VBD_SHIFT(dive) ;
		PITCH_VBD_SHIFT:long_name = "pitch VBD compensation" ;
		PITCH_VBD_SHIFT:units = "cm cm-3" ;
		PITCH_VBD_SHIFT:comment = "Pitch compensation (cm/cm3) required to balance the mass of the hydraulic oil moving forward and aft with the change in buoyancy as a result of VBD changes." ;
		PITCH_VBD_SHIFT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PRESSURE_SLOPE(dive) ;
		PRESSURE_SLOPE:long_name = "pressure slope" ;
		PRESSURE_SLOPE:comment = "Slope of linear fit between psig and pressure sensor output (after digitization to A/D counts through AD7714)." ;
		PRESSURE_SLOPE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double PRESSURE_YINT(dive) ;
		PRESSURE_YINT:long_name = "pressure interecept" ;
		PRESSURE_YINT:comment = "Y-intercept of linear fit between psig and pressure sensor output (after digitization to A/D counts through AD7714)." ;
		PRESSURE_YINT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double P_OVSHOOT(dive) ;
		P_OVSHOOT:long_name = "pitch overshoot" ;
		P_OVSHOOT:units = "cm" ;
		P_OVSHOOT:comment = "Distance by which the pitch mass is allowed to overshoot its target after the pitch motor is turned off." ;
		P_OVSHOOT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double RAFOS_CORR_THRESH(dive) ;
		RAFOS_CORR_THRESH:long_name = "RAFOS correlation threshold" ;
		RAFOS_CORR_THRESH:units = "1" ;
		RAFOS_CORR_THRESH:comment = "Correlation threshold to use when selecting RAFOS hits for navigation solutions." ;
		RAFOS_CORR_THRESH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double RAFOS_DEVICE(dive) ;
		RAFOS_DEVICE:long_name = "RAFOS device flag" ;
		RAFOS_DEVICE:units = "1" ;
		RAFOS_DEVICE:comment = "Model of the attached RAFOS device (-1 = RAFOS device not installed)." ;
		RAFOS_DEVICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double RAFOS_HIT_WINDOW(dive) ;
		RAFOS_HIT_WINDOW:long_name = "RAFOS hit window size" ;
		RAFOS_HIT_WINDOW:units = "1" ;
		RAFOS_HIT_WINDOW:comment = "Size of search window in seconds to use when clustering hits for navigation solutions." ;
		RAFOS_HIT_WINDOW:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double RAFOS_PEAK_OFFSET(dive) ;
		RAFOS_PEAK_OFFSET:long_name = "RAFOS arrival time offset" ;
		RAFOS_PEAK_OFFSET:units = "s" ;
		RAFOS_PEAK_OFFSET:comment = "Offset of actual arrival time from the receiver reported arrival index due to receiver firmware artefacts." ;
		RAFOS_PEAK_OFFSET:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double RELAUNCH(dive) ;
		RELAUNCH:long_name = "post-error relaunch flag" ;
		RELAUNCH:units = "1" ;
		RELAUNCH:comment = "Behaviour in the event of a crash to TOM8 or any watchdog timer reset (0 = resume diving, 1 = enter recovery)" ;
		RELAUNCH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double RHO(dive) ;
		RHO:long_name = "water density preset" ;
		RHO:standard_name = "sea_water_density" ;
		RHO:units = "kg l-1" ;
		RHO:comment = "Water density value used for converting buoyancy force in grams to sea water displacement in cm3 and on-board performance prediction computations." ;
		RHO:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_ADJ_DBAND(dive) ;
		ROLL_ADJ_DBAND:long_name = "roll control deadband" ;
		ROLL_ADJ_DBAND:units = "degree s-1" ;
		ROLL_ADJ_DBAND:comment = "Allowed deadband for roll control." ;
		ROLL_ADJ_DBAND:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_ADJ_GAIN(dive) ;
		ROLL_ADJ_GAIN:long_name = "roll control gain" ;
		ROLL_ADJ_GAIN:units = "degree degree-1 s-1" ;
		ROLL_ADJ_GAIN:comment = "Adjustment factor for roll control." ;
		ROLL_ADJ_GAIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_AD_RATE(dive) ;
		ROLL_AD_RATE:long_name = "roll rate retry threshold." ;
		ROLL_AD_RATE:units = "counts s-1" ;
		ROLL_AD_RATE:comment = "Roll rate threshold for retries when rolling." ;
		ROLL_AD_RATE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_CNV(dive) ;
		ROLL_CNV:long_name = "roll position conversion factor" ;
		ROLL_CNV:units = "degree counts-1" ;
		ROLL_CNV:comment = "Roll position conversion factor determined by the particulars of the roll gear train, motor and potentiometer." ;
		ROLL_CNV:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_DEG(dive) ;
		ROLL_DEG:long_name = "turn roll angle" ;
		ROLL_DEG:units = "degree" ;
		ROLL_DEG:comment = "Angle to roll the internal roll mass during a turn." ;
		ROLL_DEG:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_MAX(dive) ;
		ROLL_MAX:long_name = "roll maximum position" ;
		ROLL_MAX:units = "counts" ;
		ROLL_MAX:comment = "Roll position software limit to starboard." ;
		ROLL_MAX:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_MAXERRORS(dive) ;
		ROLL_MAXERRORS:long_name = "maximum roll errors" ;
		ROLL_MAXERRORS:units = "1" ;
		ROLL_MAXERRORS:comment = "Number of roll motor errors allowed before going into recovery state." ;
		ROLL_MAXERRORS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_MIN(dive) ;
		ROLL_MIN:long_name = "roll minimum position" ;
		ROLL_MIN:units = "counts" ;
		ROLL_MIN:comment = "Roll position software limit to port." ;
		ROLL_MIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double ROLL_TIMEOUT(dive) ;
		ROLL_TIMEOUT:long_name = "roll timeout" ;
		ROLL_TIMEOUT:units = "s" ;
		ROLL_TIMEOUT:comment = "Time allowed to achieve the desired roll position." ;
		ROLL_TIMEOUT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double R_PORT_OVSHOOT(dive) ;
		R_PORT_OVSHOOT:long_name = "roll port overshoot" ;
		R_PORT_OVSHOOT:units = "counts" ;
		R_PORT_OVSHOOT:comment = "Roll mass overshoot to port after motor is turned off." ;
		R_PORT_OVSHOOT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double R_STBD_OVSHOOT(dive) ;
		R_STBD_OVSHOOT:long_name = "roll starboard port overshoot" ;
		R_STBD_OVSHOOT:units = "counts" ;
		R_STBD_OVSHOOT:comment = "Roll mass overshoot to port after motor is turned off." ;
		R_STBD_OVSHOOT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_C_G(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_C_G:long_name = "conductivity calibration coefficient g" ;
		SEABIRD_C_G:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_C_G:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_C_H(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_C_H:long_name = "conductivity calibration coefficient h" ;
		SEABIRD_C_H:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_C_H:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_C_I(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_C_I:long_name = "conductivity calibration coefficient i" ;
		SEABIRD_C_I:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_C_I:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_C_J(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_C_J:long_name = "conductivity calibration coefficient j" ;
		SEABIRD_C_J:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_C_J:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_T_G(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_T_G:long_name = "temperature calibration coefficient g" ;
		SEABIRD_T_G:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute temperature, salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_T_G:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_T_H(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_T_H:long_name = "temperature calibration coefficient h" ;
		SEABIRD_T_H:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute temperature, salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_T_H:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_T_I(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_T_I:long_name = "temperature calibration coefficient i" ;
		SEABIRD_T_I:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute temperature, salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_T_I:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SEABIRD_T_J(dive) ;
		SEABIRD_T_J:long_name = "temperature calibration coefficient j" ;
		SEABIRD_T_J:comment = "Seabird Electronics-provided calibration coefficients for conductivity sensor used to compute temperature, salinity and density for self-trimming applications and subsurface finish maneuvers." ;
		SEABIRD_T_J:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_AA4330(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_AA4330:long_name = "anderaa 4330 maximum current" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_AA4330:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_AA4330:comment = "Maximum current drawn by Aanderaa 4330 sensor." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_AA4330:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_SBE_CT(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_SBE_CT:long_name = "seabird ct maximum current" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_SBE_CT:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_SBE_CT:comment = "Maximum current drawn by Seabird conductivity and temperature sail." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_SBE_CT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_WL_BBFL2VMT(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_WL_BBFL2VMT:long_name = "bbfl2 triplet maximum current" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_WL_BBFL2VMT:comment = "Maximum current drawn by WETLabs BBFL2 fluorometer and backscatter sensor." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_WL_BBFL2VMT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_field04(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field04:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field04:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field04:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_field05(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field05:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field05:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field05:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_field06(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field06:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field06:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field06:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_field07(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field07:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field07:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field07:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_MAMPS_field08(dive) ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field08:units = "mA" ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field08:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_MAMPS_field08:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_AA4330(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_AA4330:long_name = "anderaa 4330 power time" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_AA4330:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_AA4330:comment = "Time Aanderaa 4330 sensor." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_AA4330:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_SBE_CT(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_SBE_CT:long_name = "seabird ct power time" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_SBE_CT:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_SBE_CT:comment = "Time Seabird conductivity and temperature sail." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_SBE_CT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_WL_BBFL2VMT(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_WL_BBFL2VMT:long_name = "bbfl2 power time" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_WL_BBFL2VMT:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_WL_BBFL2VMT:comment = "Time WETLabs BBFL2 fluoreometer and backscatter sensor." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_WL_BBFL2VMT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_field04(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field04:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field04:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field04:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_field05(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field05:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field05:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field05:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_field06(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field06:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field06:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field06:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_field07(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field07:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field07:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field07:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SENSOR_SECS_field08(dive) ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field08:units = "s" ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field08:comment = "Unknown sensor or nil (no sensor present in this slot)." ;
		SENSOR_SECS_field08:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SIM_PITCH(dive) ;
		SIM_PITCH:long_name = "simulated pitch angle" ;
		SIM_PITCH:units = "degree" ;
		SIM_PITCH:comment = "Simulated pitch angle value during the dive phase of a simulated run." ;
		SIM_PITCH:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SIM_W(dive) ;
		SIM_W:long_name = "simulated vertical velocity" ;
		SIM_W:units = "m s-1" ;
		SIM_W:comment = "Simulated vertical velocity during the dive phase of a simulated run." ;
		SIM_W:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_ANGLEo(dive) ;
		SM_ANGLEo:long_name = "surface angle" ;
		SM_ANGLEo:units = "degree" ;
		SM_ANGLEo:comment = "Glider-measured angle at surface at end of previous dive." ;
		SM_ANGLEo:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CC(dive) ;
		SM_CC:long_name = "VBD minimum buoyancy position" ;
		SM_CC:units = "cm3" ;
		SM_CC:comment = "Specified minimum-buoyancy position of the VBD to attain at surface." ;
		SM_CC:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CCo_pmp_amps(time) ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_amps:long_name = "sm VBD current" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_amps:units = "A" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_amps:comment = "Average current for the VBD during the surface maneuver pump." ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_amps:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CCo_pmp_ccss(time) ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_ccss:long_name = "sm VBD final position" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_ccss:units = "cm3" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_ccss:comment = "Final position of the VBD after the surface maneuver pump." ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_ccss:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CCo_pmp_cnts(time) ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_cnts:long_name = "sm VBD final position" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_cnts:units = "counts" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_cnts:comment = "Final position of the VBD after the surface maneuver pump." ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_cnts:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CCo_pmp_errs(time) ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_errs:long_name = "sm VBD errors" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_errs:units = "1" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_errs:comment = "Number of errors during the surface maneuver pump." ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_errs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CCo_pmp_rets(time) ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_rets:long_name = "sm VBD retries" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_rets:units = "1" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_rets:comment = "Number of retries during the surface maneuver pump." ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_rets:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_CCo_pmp_secs(time) ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_secs:long_name = "sm VBD time" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_secs:units = "s" ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_secs:comment = "Time for the surface maneuver pump." ;
		SM_CCo_pmp_secs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_DEPTHo(dive) ;
		SM_DEPTHo:long_name = "surface depth" ;
		SM_DEPTHo:standard_name = "depth" ;
		SM_DEPTHo:units = "m" ;
		SM_DEPTHo:positive = "down" ;
		SM_DEPTHo:comment = "Glider-measured depth at surface at end of previous dive." ;
		SM_DEPTHo:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field01(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field01:comment = "Unknown field 01 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field01:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field02(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field02:comment = "Unknown field 02 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field02:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field03(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field03:comment = "Unknown field 03 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field03:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field04(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field04:comment = "Unknown field 04 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field04:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field05(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field05:comment = "Unknown field 05 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field05:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field06(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field06:comment = "Unknown field 06 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field06:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field07(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field07:comment = "Unknown field 07 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field07:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field08(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field08:comment = "Unknown field 08 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field08:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field09(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field09:comment = "Unknown field 09 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field09:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field10(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field10:comment = "Unknown field 10 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field10:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field11(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field11:comment = "Unknown field 11 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field11:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field12(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field12:comment = "Unknown field 12 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field12:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SM_GC_field13(dive) ;
		SM_GC_field13:comment = "Unknown field 13 SM_GC log parameter." ;
		SM_GC_field13:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SPEED_FACTOR(dive) ;
		SPEED_FACTOR:long_name = "speed compensation factor" ;
		SPEED_FACTOR:units = "1" ;
		SPEED_FACTOR:comment = "factor to compensate the inability to dive at the desired horizontal velocity." ;
		SPEED_FACTOR:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SPEED_LIMITS_max_spd(dive) ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_max_spd:long_name = "maximum horizontal speed" ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_max_spd:units = "m s-1" ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_max_spd:comment = "Maximum attainable horizontal speed on dive based on the minimum dive angle and the allowable buoyancy force." ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_max_spd:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SPEED_LIMITS_min_spd(dive) ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_min_spd:long_name = "minimum horizontal speed" ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_min_spd:units = "m s-1" ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_min_spd:comment = "Minimum attainable horizontal speed on dive based on the maximum dive angle and the allowable buoyancy force." ;
		SPEED_LIMITS_min_spd:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	char STATE_result(time, string32) ;
		STATE_result:long_name = "gc result state" ;
		STATE_result:comment = "State result at end of phase." ;
		STATE_result:_FillValue = "" ;
	char STATE_status(time, string32) ;
		STATE_status:long_name = "gc state action" ;
		STATE_status:comment = "Current state action." ;
		STATE_status:_FillValue = "" ;
	double STROBE(dive) ;
		STROBE:long_name = "strobe led control" ;
		STROBE:units = "1" ;
		STROBE:comment = "Control of the blinking of the strobe led (0 = no blinking, 1 = on recovery, 2 = on surface)." ;
		STROBE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SURFACE_URGENCY(dive) ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY:long_name = "extra surfacing allowed dives" ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY:units = "1" ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY:comment = "Dives to accumulate before trying extra surfacings. For ice capable gliders only." ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_FORCE:long_name = "forced extra surfacing dive modulo" ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_FORCE:comment = "Dive number modulo for forced extra surfacing attempts. For under ice only." ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_FORCE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double SURFACE_URGENCY_TRY(dive) ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_TRY:long_name = "extra surfacing dive modulo" ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_TRY:units = "1" ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_TRY:comment = "Dive number modulo for extra surfacing attempts. For under ice only." ;
		SURFACE_URGENCY_TRY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TCM_PITCH_OFFSET(dive) ;
		TCM_PITCH_OFFSET:long_name = "pitch-compass offset" ;
		TCM_PITCH_OFFSET:units = "degree" ;
		TCM_PITCH_OFFSET:comment = "Static offset in pitch axis between the compass output and the actual glider body asmeasured in the lab." ;
		TCM_PITCH_OFFSET:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TCM_ROLL_OFFSET(dive) ;
		TCM_ROLL_OFFSET:long_name = "roll-compass offset" ;
		TCM_ROLL_OFFSET:comment = "Static offset in pitch axis between the compass output and the actual glider body asmeasured in the lab." ;
		TCM_ROLL_OFFSET:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TCM_TEMP(dive) ;
		TCM_TEMP:long_name = "compass temperature" ;
		TCM_TEMP:units = "Celsius" ;
		TCM_TEMP:comment = "Last temperature reading taken from compass." ;
		TCM_TEMP:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TGT_AUTO_DEFAULT(dive) ;
		TGT_AUTO_DEFAULT:long_name = "default target update control" ;
		TGT_AUTO_DEFAULT:units = "1" ;
		TGT_AUTO_DEFAULT:comment = "Control of automatic update of default target (1 = automatically update default target in NVRAM, 0 = do not update default target in NVRAM)." ;
		TGT_AUTO_DEFAULT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TGT_DEFAULT_LAT(dive) ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LAT:long_name = "default target latitude" ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LAT:units = "nmea_degree" ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LAT:comment = "Latitude coordinate of default target location used when the targets file cannot be read." ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LAT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TGT_DEFAULT_LON(dive) ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LON:long_name = "default target longitude" ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LON:units = "nmea_degree" ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LON:comment = "Longitude coordinate of default target location used when the targets file cannot be read." ;
		TGT_DEFAULT_LON:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lat(dive) ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lat:long_name = "target latitude" ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lat:units = "nmea_degree" ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lat:comment = "Latitude coordinate of target position for current dive." ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lat:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lon(dive) ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lon:long_name = "target longitude" ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lon:units = "nmea_degree" ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lon:comment = "Longitude coordinate of target position of current dive." ;
		TGT_LATLONG_tgt_lon:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	char TGT_NAME(dive, string32) ;
		TGT_NAME:long_name = "target name" ;
		TGT_NAME:comment = "Name of active target of this dive." ;
		TGT_NAME:_FillValue = "" ;
	double TGT_RADIUS(dive) ;
		TGT_RADIUS:long_name = "target radius" ;
		TGT_RADIUS:units = "m" ;
		TGT_RADIUS:comment = "Radius of active target of this dive." ;
		TGT_RADIUS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double TT8_MAMPS(dive) ;
		TT8_MAMPS:long_name = "tt8 end dive power" ;
		TT8_MAMPS:units = "A" ;
		TT8_MAMPS:comment = "Power draw on the low voltage battery pack (10 V) at the end of the dive (it can be used to determine if devices are being left on)." ;
		TT8_MAMPS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_ABORT(dive) ;
		T_ABORT:long_name = "dive timeout" ;
		T_ABORT:units = "minutes" ;
		T_ABORT:comment = "Time allowed for a dive before entering the recovery state." ;
		T_ABORT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_BOOST(dive) ;
		T_BOOST:long_name = "boost pump time" ;
		T_BOOST:units = "s" ;
		T_BOOST:comment = "Boost pump run time before turning it off when deeper than boost depth." ;
		T_BOOST:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_DIVE(dive) ;
		T_DIVE:long_name = "dive time" ;
		T_DIVE:units = "minutes" ;
		T_DIVE:comment = "Time to make one dive-climb cycle (not including pump during apogee phase)used to calculate the desired vertical velocity." ;
		T_DIVE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_GPS(dive) ;
		T_GPS:long_name = "GPS timeout" ;
		T_GPS:units = "minutes" ;
		T_GPS:comment = "Maximum allowed time to obtain a GPS position." ;
		T_GPS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_GPS_ALMANAC(dive) ;
		T_GPS_ALMANAC:long_name = "GPS almanac timeout" ;
		T_GPS_ALMANAC:units = "minutes" ;
		T_GPS_ALMANAC:comment = "Maximum allowed time to acquire the GPS almanac." ;
		T_GPS_ALMANAC:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_GPS_CHARGE(dive) ;
		T_GPS_CHARGE:long_name = "Garmin GPS25 trickle-charging time" ;
		T_GPS_CHARGE:units = "secs" ;
		T_GPS_CHARGE:comment = "Time to wait before trickle-charging the GPS receiver (for Garmin GPS25 engines only). GPS units now installed run on a button battery so there is no need to charge the system." ;
		T_GPS_CHARGE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_LOITER(dive) ;
		T_LOITER:long_name = "loiter time" ;
		T_LOITER:units = "s" ;
		T_LOITER:comment = "Time to loiter after going neutral at apogee, before pitching up and becoming positively buoyant for climb." ;
		T_LOITER:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_MISSION(dive) ;
		T_MISSION:long_name = "mission timeout" ;
		T_MISSION:units = "minutes" ;
		T_MISSION:comment = "Maximum mission time allowed." ;
		T_MISSION:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_NO_W(dive) ;
		T_NO_W:long_name = "no vertical speed time" ;
		T_NO_W:units = "s" ;
		T_NO_W:comment = "Wait time with no significantly non-zero vertical velocity (less than 1 cm/s, as measured by dP/dt) before proceeding to the next phase of a dive." ;
		T_NO_W:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_RSLEEP(dive) ;
		T_RSLEEP:long_name = "recovery sleep time interval" ;
		T_RSLEEP:units = "minutes" ;
		T_RSLEEP:comment = "Sleep time interval during the recovery phase." ;
		T_RSLEEP:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_TURN(dive) ;
		T_TURN:long_name = "turn timeout" ;
		T_TURN:units = "s" ;
		T_TURN:comment = "maximum time allowed to complete a turn during the active GC mode." ;
		T_TURN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_TURN_SAMPINT(dive) ;
		T_TURN_SAMPINT:long_name = "turn sampling interval" ;
		T_TURN_SAMPINT:units = "s" ;
		T_TURN_SAMPINT:comment = "Sample interval during active and passive GC while turning." ;
		T_TURN_SAMPINT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double T_WATCHDOG(dive) ;
		T_WATCHDOG:long_name = "watchdog timer" ;
		T_WATCHDOG:units = "minutes" ;
		T_WATCHDOG:comment = "Value to which the watchdog timer is set. This is an information only parameter so the glider software knows the watchdog timer value." ;
		T_WATCHDOG:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double UNCOM_BLEED(dive) ;
		UNCOM_BLEED:long_name = "VBD uncommanded bleed trigger" ;
		UNCOM_BLEED:units = "counts" ;
		UNCOM_BLEED:comment = "Uncommanded change of VBD bleed that triggers the safety actions (stop motors, close skinner valve) and entering into recovery state." ;
		UNCOM_BLEED:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double UPLOAD_DIVES_MAX(dive) ;
		UPLOAD_DIVES_MAX:long_name = "maximum dive upload" ;
		UPLOAD_DIVES_MAX:comment = "maximum number of dives to upload at one surfacing (-1 = upload all available dives that have not been previously uploaded)" ;
		UPLOAD_DIVES_MAX:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double USE_BATHY(dive) ;
		USE_BATHY:long_name = "bathymetry map use control" ;
		USE_BATHY:units = "1" ;
		USE_BATHY:comment = "Control of use of onboard bathymap to determine the appropiate apogee depth (-4 = use on-board bathymap appropiate for current position, 0 = do not use bathymetry, positive = use matching bathymap)." ;
		USE_BATHY:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double USE_ICE(dive) ;
		USE_ICE:long_name = "ice map use control" ;
		USE_ICE:units = "1" ;
		USE_ICE:comment = "Control of use of onboard icemap for surfacing decisions (-4 = use on-board bathymap appropiate for current position, 0 = do not use bathymetry, positive = use matching bathymap)." ;
		USE_ICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_BLEED_AD_RATE(dive) ;
		VBD_BLEED_AD_RATE:long_name = "bleed rate retry threshold" ;
		VBD_BLEED_AD_RATE:units = "counts s-1" ;
		VBD_BLEED_AD_RATE:comment = "Bleed rate threshold for retries when bleeding." ;
		VBD_BLEED_AD_RATE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_CNV(dive) ;
		VBD_CNV:long_name = "VBD position conversion factor" ;
		VBD_CNV:units = "cm3 counts-1" ;
		VBD_CNV:comment = "VBD position conversion factor determined by the geometry of the internal hydraulic fluid reservoir and the potentiometers (the sign is negative, meaning that the higher A/D counts reflect more oil in the internal reservoir, hence a less inflated external bladder, hence a lower displacement, and thus a lower buoyancy)." ;
		VBD_CNV:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_DBAND(dive) ;
		VBD_DBAND:long_name = "VBD position deadband" ;
		VBD_DBAND:units = "cm3" ;
		VBD_DBAND:comment = "Allowed deadband for VBD control." ;
		VBD_DBAND:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_MAX(dive) ;
		VBD_MAX:long_name = "VBD maximum position" ;
		VBD_MAX:units = "counts" ;
		VBD_MAX:comment = "VBD position software limit when the internal reservoir is almost full (external bladder fully bled, minimum buoyancy)." ;
		VBD_MAX:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_MAXERRORS(dive) ;
		VBD_MAXERRORS:long_name = "maximum VBD errors" ;
		VBD_MAXERRORS:units = "1" ;
		VBD_MAXERRORS:comment = "Number of VBD errors allowed before entering into recovery state." ;
		VBD_MAXERRORS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_MIN(dive) ;
		VBD_MIN:long_name = "VBD minimum position" ;
		VBD_MIN:units = "counts" ;
		VBD_MIN:comment = "VBD position software limit when the internal reservoir is almost empty (external bladder fully pumped, maximum buoyancy)." ;
		VBD_MIN:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_APOGEE(dive) ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_APOGEE:long_name = "apogee pump rate" ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_APOGEE:units = "counts s-1" ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_APOGEE:comment = "Pump rate threshold for retries when pumping at apogee." ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_APOGEE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_SURFACE(dive) ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_SURFACE:long_name = "apogee pump rate" ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_SURFACE:units = "counts s-1" ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_SURFACE:comment = "Pump rate threshold for retries when pumping at surface." ;
		VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_SURFACE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double VBD_TIMEOUT(dive) ;
		VBD_TIMEOUT:long_name = "VBD timeout" ;
		VBD_TIMEOUT:units = "s" ;
		VBD_TIMEOUT:comment = "Time allowed to achieve the commanded change in VBD position." ;
		VBD_TIMEOUT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double XMS_NAKs(dive) ;
		XMS_NAKs:long_name = "no acknowledged transfers" ;
		XMS_NAKs:units = "1" ;
		XMS_NAKs:comment = "Number of transfers ended with a NAK (No Acknowledgements) on previous surfacing." ;
		XMS_NAKs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double XMS_TOUTs(dive) ;
		XMS_TOUTs:long_name = "no timeout transfers" ;
		XMS_TOUTs:units = "1" ;
		XMS_TOUTs:comment = "Total number of transfers ended without a timeout on previous surfacing." ;
		XMS_TOUTs:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double XPDR_DEVICE(dive) ;
		XPDR_DEVICE:long_name = "transponder model flag" ;
		XPDR_DEVICE:units = "1" ;
		XPDR_DEVICE:comment = "Configuration value specifying the model of the attached device." ;
		XPDR_DEVICE:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double XPDR_INHIBIT(dive) ;
		XPDR_INHIBIT:long_name = "transponder inhibit time" ;
		XPDR_INHIBIT:units = "ds" ;
		XPDR_INHIBIT:comment = "Time after a transponder reply during which the transponder does not reply to subsequent interrogation." ;
		XPDR_INHIBIT:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double XPDR_PINGS(dive) ;
		XPDR_PINGS:long_name = "transponder pings" ;
		XPDR_PINGS:units = "1" ;
		XPDR_PINGS:comment = "Count of the number of times the glider transducer responded to an external stimulus at its frequency setting during a dive." ;
		XPDR_PINGS:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double XPDR_VALID(dive) ;
		XPDR_VALID:long_name = "transponder validation sensitivity" ;
		XPDR_VALID:units = "0.5 ms" ;
		XPDR_VALID:comment = "Total time over a 10 ms window following initial triggering that the detector circuit must remain triggered." ;
		XPDR_VALID:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double aa1_AirSat(time) ;
		aa1_AirSat:long_name = "air saturation" ;
		aa1_AirSat:standard_name = "fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water" ;
		aa1_AirSat:units = "%" ;
		aa1_AirSat:comment = "Air saturation from Aanderaa oxygen optode." ;
		aa1_AirSat:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double aa1_CalPhase(time) ;
		aa1_CalPhase:long_name = "optode calibrated phase" ;
		aa1_CalPhase:units = "degree" ;
		aa1_CalPhase:comment = "Calibrated phase from Aanderaa oxygen optode." ;
		aa1_CalPhase:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double aa1_O2(time) ;
		aa1_O2:long_name = "oxygen molar concentration" ;
		aa1_O2:standard_name = "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water" ;
		aa1_O2:units = "umol l-1" ;
		aa1_O2:comment = "Oxygen molarity from Aanderaa oxygen optode." ;
		aa1_O2:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double aa1_TCPhase(time) ;
		aa1_TCPhase:long_name = "optode temperature compensated phase" ;
		aa1_TCPhase:units = "Celsius" ;
		aa1_TCPhase:comment = "Temperature-compensated phase from Aanderaa oxygen optode." ;
		aa1_TCPhase:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double aa1_Temp(time) ;
		aa1_Temp:long_name = "optode temperature" ;
		aa1_Temp:standard_name = "temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water" ;
		aa1_Temp:units = "Celsius" ;
		aa1_Temp:comment = "Temperature from Aanderaa oxygen optode." ;
		aa1_Temp:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double depth(time) ;
		depth:long_name = "measured depth" ;
		depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
		depth:units = "cm" ;
		depth:positive = "down" ;
		depth:comment = "This is the depth derived from the pressure measurements and using a constant conversion factor (0.685 psi m-1)." ;
		depth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double elaps_t(time) ;
		elaps_t:long_name = "mission elapsed time" ;
		elaps_t:standard_name = "time" ;
		elaps_t:units = "seconds since start of first dive" ;
		elaps_t:comment = "Time since the start of the first dive (time_coverage_start)." ;
		elaps_t:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double elaps_t_0000(time) ;
		elaps_t_0000:long_name = "time since start of day" ;
		elaps_t_0000:units = "s" ;
		elaps_t_0000:comment = "Time since 0000UTC of the current day." ;
		elaps_t_0000:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double head(time) ;
		head:long_name = "Vehicle heading" ;
		head:standard_name = "heading" ;
		head:units = "degree" ;
		head:comment = "Vehicle heading (magnetic degree)." ;
		head:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double pitchAng(time) ;
		pitchAng:long_name = "vehicle pitch" ;
		pitchAng:standard_name = "pitch" ;
		pitchAng:units = "degree" ;
		pitchAng:comment = "Vehicle pitch angle (positive nose up)." ;
		pitchAng:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double pitchCtl(time) ;
		pitchCtl:long_name = "pitch mass position" ;
		pitchCtl:units = "cm" ;
		pitchCtl:comment = "Pitch mass position relative to pitch center (positive nose up)." ;
		pitchCtl:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double rec(time) ;
		rec:long_name = "sample record" ;
		rec:units = "1" ;
		rec:comment = "Sample record number." ;
		rec:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double rollAng(time) ;
		rollAng:long_name = "vehicle roll" ;
		rollAng:standard_name = "roll" ;
		rollAng:units = "degree" ;
		rollAng:comment = "Vehicle roll angle (positive starboard wing down, rolled to starboard)." ;
		rollAng:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double rollCtl(time) ;
		rollCtl:long_name = "roll mass position" ;
		rollCtl:units = "degree" ;
		rollCtl:comment = "Roll mass position relative to roll dive or climb center (positive starboard wing down)." ;
		rollCtl:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double sbect_condFreq(time) ;
		sbect_condFreq:long_name = "conductivity frequency" ;
		sbect_condFreq:units = "Hz" ;
		sbect_condFreq:comment = "Conductivity frequency from Seabird CT sail." ;
		sbect_condFreq:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double sbect_tempFreq(time) ;
		sbect_tempFreq:long_name = "temperature frequency" ;
		sbect_tempFreq:units = "Hz" ;
		sbect_tempFreq:comment = "Temperature frequency from Seabird CT sail." ;
		sbect_tempFreq:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double vbdCC(time) ;
		vbdCC:long_name = "VBD position" ;
		vbdCC:units = "cm3" ;
		vbdCC:comment = "VBD value relative to VBD center (positive buoyant)." ;
		vbdCC:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_Cdomref1(time) ;
		wl1_Cdomref1:long_name = "CDOM reference" ;
		wl1_Cdomref1:units = "counts" ;
		wl1_Cdomref1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck CDOM output reference." ;
		wl1_Cdomref1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_Cdomsig1(time) ;
		wl1_Cdomsig1:long_name = "CDOM signal" ;
		wl1_Cdomsig1:units = "counts" ;
		wl1_Cdomsig1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck CDOM output signal." ;
		wl1_Cdomsig1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_Chlref1(time) ;
		wl1_Chlref1:long_name = "chlorophyll reference" ;
		wl1_Chlref1:units = "counts" ;
		wl1_Chlref1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck chlorophyll output reference." ;
		wl1_Chlref1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_Chlsig1(time) ;
		wl1_Chlsig1:long_name = "chlorophyll signal" ;
		wl1_Chlsig1:units = "counts" ;
		wl1_Chlsig1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck chlorophyll output signal." ;
		wl1_Chlsig1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_ref1(time) ;
		wl1_ref1:long_name = "backscatter reference" ;
		wl1_ref1:units = "counts" ;
		wl1_ref1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck backscatter output reference." ;
		wl1_ref1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_sig1(time) ;
		wl1_sig1:long_name = "backscatter signal" ;
		wl1_sig1:units = "counts" ;
		wl1_sig1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck backscatter output signal." ;
		wl1_sig1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double wl1_temp1(time) ;
		wl1_temp1:long_name = "bbfl2 triplet temperature" ;
		wl1_temp1:units = "Celsius" ;
		wl1_temp1:comment = "WETLabs ECO triplet puck temperature." ;
		wl1_temp1:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double x10V_AH_ampsh_tot(dive) ;
		x10V_AH_ampsh_tot:long_name = "low voltage battery pack total consumption" ;
		x10V_AH_ampsh_tot:units = "A h" ;
		x10V_AH_ampsh_tot:comment = "Total power consumed on the low voltage battery pack (10 V) since last reset of battery meters (usually when new batteries are installed)." ;
		x10V_AH_ampsh_tot:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double x10V_AH_volts_min(dive) ;
		x10V_AH_volts_min:long_name = "low voltage battery pack minimum voltage" ;
		x10V_AH_volts_min:units = "V" ;
		x10V_AH_volts_min:comment = "Minimum voltage measured on the low voltage battery pack (10 V) during active phase." ;
		x10V_AH_volts_min:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double x24V_AH_ampsh_tot(dive) ;
		x24V_AH_ampsh_tot:long_name = "high voltage battery pack total consumption" ;
		x24V_AH_ampsh_tot:units = "A h" ;
		x24V_AH_ampsh_tot:comment = "Total power consumed on the high voltage battery pack (24 V) since last reset of battery meters (usually when new batteries are installed)." ;
		x24V_AH_ampsh_tot:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double x24V_AH_volts_min(dive) ;
		x24V_AH_volts_min:long_name = "high voltage battery pack minimum voltage" ;
		x24V_AH_volts_min:units = "V" ;
		x24V_AH_volts_min:comment = "Minimum voltage measured on the high voltage battery pack (10 V) during active phase." ;
		x24V_AH_volts_min:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;

// global attributes:
		:abstract = "Deployment of Seaglider 1KA glider sdeep02 in transnational agreement campaign Menorca-Sardegna 2013 (JERICO  project, call 1.8 proposed by CNR IAMC), covering Menorca-Sardegna channel (2 transects) during October and November 2013." ;
		:acknowledgement = "Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ( Govern de les Illes Balears (" ;
		:author = "SOCIB Glider facility" ;
		:author_email = "" ;
		:cdm_data_type = "Trajectory" ;
		:citation = "Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System." ;
		:comment = "Data provided as it comes from the glider." ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
		:creator = "SOCIB Glider facility" ;
		:creator_email = "" ;
		:creator_url = "" ;
		:data_center = "SOCIB Data Center" ;
		:data_center_email = "" ;
		:data_mode = "delayed time" ;
		:date_modified = "2016-05-27T18:48:03+00:00" ;
		:featureType = "trajectory" ;
		:geospatial_lat_max = 39.87835 ;
		:geospatial_lat_min = 39.3057833333333 ;
		:geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north" ;
		:geospatial_lon_max = 8.07488333333333 ;
		:geospatial_lon_min = 3.40298333333333 ;
		:geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east" ;
		:history = "Product generated by the glider toolbox version 1.2.0 (" ;
		:institution = "SOCIB (Sistema de Observación y predicción Costero de las Islas Baleares)" ;
		:institution_references = "" ;
		:instrument = "SCB-SGDEEP002" ;
		:instrument_manufacturer = "iRobot" ;
		:instrument_model = "SeaGlider 1KA" ;
		:license = "Approved for public release. Distribution Unlimited." ;
		:netcdf_version = "4.0.1" ;
		:positioning_system = "GPS and dead reckoning" ;
		:principal_investigator = "Prof. Alberto Ribotti" ;
		:principal_investigator_email = "" ;
		:processing_level = "L0 raw data not calibrated" ;
		:project = "JERICO TNA" ;
		:publisher = "SOCIB" ;
		:publisher_email = "" ;
		:publisher_url = "" ;
		:source = "glider" ;
		:source_files = "p5380014.log\n",
			"" ;
		:standard_name_vocabulary = "" ;
		:summary = "Deployment of Seaglider 1KA glider sdeep02 in transnational agreement campaign Menorca-Sardegna 2013 (JERICO  project, call 1.8 proposed by CNR IAMC), covering Menorca-Sardegna channel (2 transects) during October and November 2013." ;
		:time_coverage_end = "2013-11-29T10:50:02+00:00" ;
		:time_coverage_start = "2013-10-15T21:03:06+00:00" ;
		:title = "Glider deployment delayed time raw data" ;
		:transmission_system = "IRIDIUM" ;