netcdf dep0026_sdeep04_scb-sldeep004_L0_2022-09-26 {
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (211 currently)
	name_strlen = 24 ;
	char trajectory(name_strlen) ;
		trajectory:cf_role = "trajectory_id" ;
	double time(time) ;
		time:standard_name = "time" ;
		time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
		time:axis = "T" ;
		time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
	double VACUUM(time) ;
		VACUUM:long_name = "internal_pressure" ;
		VACUUM:units = "in Hg" ;
		VACUUM:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		VACUUM:original_units = "in Hg" ;
		VACUUM:observation_type = "measured" ;
		VACUUM:precision = "0.001" ;
	double VOLT(time) ;
		VOLT:long_name = "voltage" ;
		VOLT:units = "V" ;
		VOLT:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		VOLT:original_units = "V" ;
		VOLT:observation_type = "measured" ;
		VOLT:precision = "0.1" ;
	double LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD(time) ;
		LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD:long_name = "voltage" ;
		LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD:units = "V" ;
		LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD:original_units = "V" ;
		LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD:observation_type = "measured" ;
		LEAK_VOLT_FORWARD:precision = "0.1" ;
	double LEAK_VOLT(time) ;
		LEAK_VOLT:long_name = "voltage" ;
		LEAK_VOLT:units = "V" ;
		LEAK_VOLT:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		LEAK_VOLT:original_units = "V" ;
		LEAK_VOLT:observation_type = "measured" ;
		LEAK_VOLT:precision = "0.1" ;
	double AMPHR_TOTAL(time) ;
		AMPHR_TOTAL:long_name = "electrical_comsumption" ;
		AMPHR_TOTAL:units = "A h" ;
		AMPHR_TOTAL:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		AMPHR_TOTAL:original_units = "A h" ;
		AMPHR_TOTAL:observation_type = "measured" ;
		AMPHR_TOTAL:precision = "0.001" ;
	double AMPH(time) ;
		AMPH:long_name = "electrical_comsumption" ;
		AMPH:units = "A h" ;
		AMPH:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		AMPH:original_units = "A h" ;
		AMPH:observation_type = "measured" ;
		AMPH:precision = "0.001" ;
	double LON(time) ;
		LON:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		LON:long_name = "GPS device longitude" ;
		LON:units = "degree_east" ;
		LON:axis = "X" ;
		LON:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double LAT(time) ;
		LAT:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		LAT:long_name = "GPS device latitude" ;
		LAT:units = "degree_north" ;
		LAT:axis = "Y" ;
		LAT:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double IRI_REDIALS(time) ;
		IRI_REDIALS:long_name = "transmission_retries" ;
		IRI_REDIALS:units = "1" ;
		IRI_REDIALS:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		IRI_REDIALS:original_units = "1" ;
		IRI_REDIALS:observation_type = "measured" ;
		IRI_REDIALS:precision = "1.0" ;
	double IRI_PHONE(time) ;
		IRI_PHONE:long_name = "iridium_phone_number" ;
		IRI_PHONE:units = "1" ;
		IRI_PHONE:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		IRI_PHONE:original_units = "1" ;
		IRI_PHONE:observation_type = "measured" ;
		IRI_PHONE:precision = "1.0" ;
	double IRI_ATTEMPTS(time) ;
		IRI_ATTEMPTS:long_name = "transmission_retries" ;
		IRI_ATTEMPTS:units = "1" ;
		IRI_ATTEMPTS:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		IRI_ATTEMPTS:original_units = "1" ;
		IRI_ATTEMPTS:observation_type = "measured" ;
		IRI_ATTEMPTS:precision = "1.0" ;
	double CALL_DURATION(time) ;
		CALL_DURATION:long_name = "transmission_duration" ;
		CALL_DURATION:units = "s" ;
		CALL_DURATION:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		CALL_DURATION:original_units = "s" ;
		CALL_DURATION:observation_type = "measured" ;
		CALL_DURATION:precision = "1.0" ;
	double IRI_SS(time) ;
		IRI_SS:long_name = "location_class - Iridium Signal Strength" ;
		IRI_SS:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		IRI_SS:observation_type = "measured" ;
		IRI_SS:precision = "1.0" ;
	double INFLECTION_NUM(time) ;
		INFLECTION_NUM:long_name = "number_of_dive" ;
		INFLECTION_NUM:units = "1" ;
		INFLECTION_NUM:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		INFLECTION_NUM:original_units = "1" ;
		INFLECTION_NUM:observation_type = "measured" ;
		INFLECTION_NUM:precision = "1.0" ;
		USE_CURRENT_CORRECTION:long_name = "boolean" ;
		USE_CURRENT_CORRECTION:original_units = "1" ;
		USE_CURRENT_CORRECTION:observation_type = "measured" ;
		USE_CURRENT_CORRECTION:precision = "1.0" ;
	double WATER_FINAL_VY(time) ;
		WATER_FINAL_VY:standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VY:units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VY:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VY:original_units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VY:observation_type = "measured" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VY:precision = "0.001" ;
	double WATER_FINAL_VX(time) ;
		WATER_FINAL_VX:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VX:units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VX:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VX:original_units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VX:observation_type = "measured" ;
		WATER_FINAL_VX:precision = "0.001" ;
	double WATER_VY(time) ;
		WATER_VY:standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity" ;
		WATER_VY:units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_VY:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		WATER_VY:original_units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_VY:observation_type = "measured" ;
		WATER_VY:precision = "0.001" ;
	double WATER_VX(time) ;
		WATER_VX:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity" ;
		WATER_VX:units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_VX:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		WATER_VX:original_units = "m s-1" ;
		WATER_VX:observation_type = "measured" ;
		WATER_VX:precision = "0.001" ;
	double AVG_SPEED(time) ;
		AVG_SPEED:standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_ground" ;
		AVG_SPEED:long_name = "Plaftorm speed with respect to ground" ;
		AVG_SPEED:units = "m s-1" ;
		AVG_SPEED:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		AVG_SPEED:original_units = "m s-1" ;
		AVG_SPEED:observation_type = "measured" ;
		AVG_SPEED:precision = "0.0001" ;
	double WAYPT_LAST_LON(time) ;
		WAYPT_LAST_LON:long_name = "target_longitude" ;
		WAYPT_LAST_LON:units = "degree_east" ;
		WAYPT_LAST_LON:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double WAYPT_LAST_LAT(time) ;
		WAYPT_LAST_LAT:long_name = "target_latitude" ;
		WAYPT_LAST_LAT:units = "degree_north" ;
		WAYPT_LAST_LAT:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double WAYPT_DEST_LAT(time) ;
		WAYPT_DEST_LAT:long_name = "current_target_latitude" ;
		WAYPT_DEST_LAT:units = "degree_north" ;
		WAYPT_DEST_LAT:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double WAYPT_DEST_LON(time) ;
		WAYPT_DEST_LON:long_name = "current_target_longitude" ;
		WAYPT_DEST_LON:units = "degree_east" ;
		WAYPT_DEST_LON:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double AGE(time) ;
		AGE:long_name = "mission_duration - Mission duration time" ;
		AGE:units = "s" ;
		AGE:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		AGE:original_units = "s" ;
		AGE:observation_type = "measured" ;
		AGE:precision = "1.0" ;
	double RANGE(time) ;
		RANGE:long_name = "distance - Distance to the waypoint" ;
		RANGE:units = "m" ;
		RANGE:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		RANGE:original_units = "m" ;
		RANGE:observation_type = "measured" ;
		RANGE:precision = "1.0" ;
	double BEARING(time) ;
		BEARING:standard_name = "platform_orientation" ;
		BEARING:units = "degree" ;
		BEARING:coordinates = "time LAT LON DEPTH" ;
		BEARING:original_units = "degree" ;
		BEARING:observation_type = "measured" ;
		BEARING:precision = "1.0" ;
	double WAYPT_LON(time) ;
		WAYPT_LON:long_name = "target_longitude" ;
		WAYPT_LON:units = "degree_east" ;
		WAYPT_LON:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;
	double WAYPT_LAT(time) ;
		WAYPT_LAT:long_name = "target_latitude" ;
		WAYPT_LAT:units = "degree_north" ;
		WAYPT_LAT:reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ;

// global attributes:
		:title = "Data from instrument SCB-SLDEEP004 on platform sdeep04" ;
		:institution = "SOCIB (Sistema de Observación y predicción Costero de las Islas Baleares)" ;
		:netcdf_version = 3. ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
		:abstract = "The project aims at confirming the importance of the ABACUS monitoring line across the AB between Palma de Mallorca and the southern part of the Algerian basin, and contribute to data collection in The Southern European Seas, one of the main EU maritime policy objectives, as outlined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). ABACUS-2021 will allow us to realize 3 glider missions, in the study area during May-June (failed), November-December 2021, May 2022, Sept 2022. The second leg (May 2022) will last about 22 days and will be useful for improving the study of the spring interannual variability along the ABACUS transect. The third one (Sept 2022) will last 20 days providing continuity with the 2014-2017 ABACUS surveys. The Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union\'s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020-INFRAIA) under grant agreement nº871153, JERICO-S3. Deep G2 Slocum Glider (Unit 567)\n",
			"Deep G2 Slocum Glider (Unit 567)
" ; :summary = "The project aims at confirming the importance of the ABACUS monitoring line across the AB between Palma de Mallorca and the southern part of the Algerian basin, and contribute to data collection in The Southern European Seas, one of the main EU maritime policy objectives, as outlined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). ABACUS-2021 will allow us to realize 3 glider missions, in the study area during May-June (failed), November-December 2021, May 2022, Sept 2022. The second leg (May 2022) will last about 22 days and will be useful for improving the study of the spring interannual variability along the ABACUS transect. The third one (Sept 2022) will last 20 days providing continuity with the 2014-2017 ABACUS surveys. The Research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union\'s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020-INFRAIA) under grant agreement nº871153, JERICO-S3. Deep G2 Slocum Glider (Unit 567)\n", "Deep G2 Slocum Glider (Unit 567)
" ; :date_created = "2022-09-26T18:11:28+00:00" ; :date_update = "2022-10-24T08:11:14+00:00" ; :date_modified = "2022-10-24T08:11:14+00:00" ; :cdm_data_type = "Trajectory" ; :CF\:featureType = "trajectory" ; :featureType = "trajectory" ; :data_mode = "R" ; :processing_level = "L0 - Raw data calibrated" ; :wmo_code = "68997" ; :instrument_serial = "567" ; :id = "567_568_2022-09-26T18:11:28+00:00_JCOMMOBS" ; :platform_code = "567" ; :instrument_code = "568" ; :keywords_vocabulary = "" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 37.3944 ; :geospatial_lat_max = 39.365 ; :geospatial_lon_min = 2.5163 ; :geospatial_lon_max = 3.5354 ; :geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north" ; :geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east" ; :installation_depth = "0.0" ; :installation_depth_units = "m" ; :installation_depth_positive = "down" ; :installation_depth_axis = "Z" ; :installation_depth_reference_datum = "geographical coordinates, WGS84 projection" ; :time_coverage_start = "2022-09-26T18:05:47+00:00" ; :time_coverage_end = "2022-10-24T08:05:51+00:00" ; :time_coverage_duration = "P0Y0M27DT14H0M4.000S" ; :time_coverage_resolution = "P0Y0M0DT0H0M0.000S" ; :history = "2022-10-24T08:11:14+00:00 processing app v5.3.10" ; :data_center = "SOCIB Data Center" ; :data_center_email = "" ; :institution_references = "" ; :principal_investigator = "Prof. Joaquim Tintoré Subirana" ; :principal_investigator_email = "" ; :project = "SOCIB Operational" ; :author = "SOCIB Glider facility" ; :author_email = "" ; :creator_name = "SOCIB Glider facility" ; :creator_url = "" ; :creator_email = "" ; :contributor_name = "Joaquin Tintoré" ; :contributor_role = "In kind contribution" ; :publisher_name = "SOCIB" ; :publisher_url = "" ; :publisher_email = "" ; :manufacture_name = "Teledyne " ; :instrument_model = "Slocum G2 Deep" ; :distribution_statement = "Approved for public release. Distribution Unlimited." ; :license = "Approved for public release. Distribution Unlimited." ; :citation = "Balearic Island Coastal and Observing Forecasting System." ; :acknowledgement = "Ministerio de ciencia e innovación ( Govern de les Illes Balears (" ; :update_interval = "every 18000 seconds" ; }