netcdf dep0016_sdeep01_scb-sldeep001_L1_2014-09-01_data_dt {
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (86685 currently)
	double chlorophyll(time) ;
		chlorophyll:long_name = "chlorophyll" ;
		chlorophyll:standard_name = "concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water" ;
		chlorophyll:units = "mg m-3" ;
		chlorophyll:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		chlorophyll:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		chlorophyll:sources = "sci_flntu_chlor_units" ;
	double conductivity(time) ;
		conductivity:long_name = "water conductivity" ;
		conductivity:standard_name = "sea_water_conductivity" ;
		conductivity:units = "S m-1" ;
		conductivity:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		conductivity:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		conductivity:sources = "sci_water_cond" ;
	double density(time) ;
		density:long_name = "water density using salinity from raw temperature and raw conductivity" ;
		density:standard_name = "sea_water_density" ;
		density:units = "kg m-3" ;
		density:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		density:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		density:sources = "salinity temperature pressure" ;
		density:method = "sw_dens" ;
	double depth(time) ;
		depth:long_name = "glider depth" ;
		depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
		depth:units = "m" ;
		depth:positive = "down" ;
		depth:axis = "Z" ;
		depth:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		depth:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		depth:sources = "m_depth" ;
		depth:filling = "linear" ;
	double depth_ctd(time) ;
		depth_ctd:long_name = "CTD depth" ;
		depth_ctd:standard_name = "depth" ;
		depth_ctd:units = "m" ;
		depth_ctd:comment = "depth derived from CTD pressure sensor" ;
		depth_ctd:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		depth_ctd:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		depth_ctd:sources = "pressure latitude" ;
		depth_ctd:method = "sw_depth" ;
	double distance_over_ground(time) ;
		distance_over_ground:long_name = "distance over ground flown since mission start" ;
		distance_over_ground:standard_name = "distance" ;
		distance_over_ground:units = "km" ;
		distance_over_ground:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		distance_over_ground:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		distance_over_ground:sources = "latitude longitude" ;
		distance_over_ground:method = "computeCumulativeDistance" ;
	double heading(time) ;
		heading:long_name = "glider heading angle" ;
		heading:standard_name = "heading" ;
		heading:units = "rad" ;
		heading:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		heading:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		heading:filling = "linear" ;
	double latitude(time) ;
		latitude:long_name = "latitude" ;
		latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		latitude:units = "degree_north" ;
		latitude:axis = "Y" ;
		latitude:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		latitude:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		latitude:sources = "m_gps_lat m_gps_lon m_gps_status" ;
		latitude:position_good = 0. ;
		latitude:conversion = "nmea2deg" ;
		latitude:filling = "linear" ;
	double longitude(time) ;
		longitude:long_name = "longitude" ;
		longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		longitude:axis = "X" ;
		longitude:units = "degree_east" ;
		longitude:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		longitude:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		longitude:sources = "m_gps_lat m_gps_lon m_gps_status" ;
		longitude:position_good = 0. ;
		longitude:conversion = "nmea2deg" ;
		longitude:filling = "linear" ;
	double oxygen_concentration(time) ;
		oxygen_concentration:long_name = "oxygen concentration" ;
		oxygen_concentration:standard_name = "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water" ;
		oxygen_concentration:units = "umol l-1" ;
		oxygen_concentration:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		oxygen_concentration:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		oxygen_concentration:sources = "sci_oxy3835_oxygen" ;
	double oxygen_saturation(time) ;
		oxygen_saturation:long_name = "oxygen saturation" ;
		oxygen_saturation:standard_name = "fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water" ;
		oxygen_saturation:units = "1" ;
		oxygen_saturation:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		oxygen_saturation:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		oxygen_saturation:sources = "sci_oxy3835_saturation" ;
	double pitch(time) ;
		pitch:long_name = "glider pitch angle" ;
		pitch:standard_name = "pitch" ;
		pitch:units = "rad" ;
		pitch:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		pitch:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		pitch:sources = "m_pitch" ;
		pitch:filling = "linear" ;
	double pressure(time) ;
		pressure:long_name = "water pressure" ;
		pressure:standard_name = "pressure" ;
		pressure:units = "dbar" ;
		pressure:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		pressure:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		pressure:sources = "sci_water_pressure sci_ctd41cp_timestamp" ;
		pressure:conversion = "bar2dbar" ;
		pressure:filter_method = "applySeabirdPressureFilter" ;
		pressure:filter_parameters = 4. ;
	double profile_direction(time) ;
		profile_direction:long_name = "glider vertical speed direction" ;
		profile_direction:units = "1" ;
		profile_direction:comment = "-1 = ascending, 0 = inflecting or stalled, 1 = descending" ;
		profile_direction:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		profile_direction:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		profile_direction:sources = "time depth" ;
		profile_direction:method = "findProfiles" ;
	double profile_index(time) ;
		profile_index:long_name = "profile index" ;
		profile_index:units = "1" ;
		profile_index:comment = "N = inside profile N, N + 0.5 = between profiles N and N + 1" ;
		profile_index:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		profile_index:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		profile_index:sources = "time depth" ;
		profile_index:method = "findProfiles" ;
		profile_index:length = 10. ;
		profile_index:period = 0. ;
		profile_index:inversion = 3. ;
		profile_index:interrupt = 180. ;
		profile_index:stall = 3. ;
		profile_index:shake = 20. ;
	double roll(time) ;
		roll:long_name = "glider roll angle" ;
		roll:standard_name = "roll" ;
		roll:units = "rad" ;
		roll:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		roll:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		roll:sources = "m_roll" ;
		roll:filling = "linear" ;
	double salinity(time) ;
		salinity:long_name = "water salinity" ;
		salinity:standard_name = "sea_water_salinity" ;
		salinity:units = "PSU" ;
		salinity:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		salinity:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		salinity:sources = "conductivity temperature pressure" ;
		salinity:method = "sw_salt" ;
	double temperature(time) ;
		temperature:long_name = "water temperature" ;
		temperature:standard_name = "sea_water_temperature" ;
		temperature:units = "Celsius" ;
		temperature:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		temperature:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		temperature:sources = "sci_water_temp" ;
	double temperature_optics(time) ;
		temperature_optics:long_name = "optic sensor temperature" ;
		temperature_optics:standard_name = "temperature_of_optic_sensor_in_sea_water" ;
		temperature_optics:units = "Celsius" ;
		temperature_optics:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		temperature_optics:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		temperature_optics:sources = "sci_flntu_temp" ;
	double temperature_oxygen(time) ;
		temperature_oxygen:long_name = "oxygen sensor temperature" ;
		temperature_oxygen:standard_name = "temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water" ;
		temperature_oxygen:units = "Celsius" ;
		temperature_oxygen:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		temperature_oxygen:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		temperature_oxygen:sources = "sci_oxy3835_temp" ;
	double time(time) ;
		time:long_name = "navigation epoch time" ;
		time:standard_name = "time" ;
		time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00" ;
		time:axis = "T" ;
		time:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		time:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		time:sources = "m_present_time" ;
	double time_ctd(time) ;
		time_ctd:long_name = "CTD epoch time" ;
		time_ctd:standard_name = "time" ;
		time_ctd:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00" ;
		time_ctd:comment = "CTD time stamp" ;
		time_ctd:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		time_ctd:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		time_ctd:sources = "sci_ctd41cp_timestamp" ;
	double transect_index(time) ;
		transect_index:long_name = "transect index" ;
		transect_index:units = "1" ;
		transect_index:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		transect_index:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		transect_index:sources = "waypoint_latitude waypoint_longitude" ;
		transect_index:method = "findTransects" ;
	double turbidity(time) ;
		turbidity:long_name = "turbidity" ;
		turbidity:standard_name = "turbidity" ;
		turbidity:units = "NTU" ;
		turbidity:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		turbidity:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		turbidity:sources = "sci_flntu_turb_units" ;
	double water_velocity_eastward(time) ;
		water_velocity_eastward:long_name = "mean eastward water velocity in segment" ;
		water_velocity_eastward:standard_name = "eastward_water_velocity" ;
		water_velocity_eastward:units = "m s-1" ;
		water_velocity_eastward:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		water_velocity_eastward:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double water_velocity_northward(time) ;
		water_velocity_northward:long_name = "mean northward water velocity in segment" ;
		water_velocity_northward:standard_name = "northward_water_velocity" ;
		water_velocity_northward:units = "m s-1" ;
		water_velocity_northward:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		water_velocity_northward:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
	double waypoint_latitude(time) ;
		waypoint_latitude:long_name = "waypoint latitude" ;
		waypoint_latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		waypoint_latitude:units = "degree_north" ;
		waypoint_latitude:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		waypoint_latitude:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		waypoint_latitude:sources = "c_wpt_lon c_wpt_lat" ;
		waypoint_latitude:conversion = "nmea2deg" ;
		waypoint_latitude:filling = "prev" ;
	double waypoint_longitude(time) ;
		waypoint_longitude:long_name = "waypoint longitude" ;
		waypoint_longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		waypoint_longitude:units = "degree_east" ;
		waypoint_longitude:coordinates = "time depth latitude longitude" ;
		waypoint_longitude:_FillValue = 1.79769313486232e+308 ;
		waypoint_longitude:sources = "c_wpt_lon c_wpt_lat" ;
		waypoint_longitude:conversion = "nmea2deg" ;
		waypoint_longitude:filling = "prev" ;

// global attributes:
		:abstract = "1st Deployment of Slocum G2 deep glider sdeep01 in Open Access mission in the frame of JERICO project (TNA programme), covering 2 transects between Mallorca and Algeria Basin.\n",
			"This first attempt ended prematurely on Sept-3rd due to DE_PUMP wrong functioning.\n",
			"Description from TNA solicitor:\n",
			"\"research focuses on the main characteristics of the Algerian basin circulation. Just after the Alboran Sea, the Algerian Basin is the first wide basin crossed by Atlantic water entering the Mediterranean Sea. It is dominated by the presence of very energetic mesoscale structures that usually develop from meander of the Algerian Current (AC) to isolated cyclonic and anti-cyclonic mesoscale eddies. Despite of the large bibliography about the circulation of the entire Mediterranean Sea and its sub-basins, knowledge about these eddies is still incomplete because of their intrinsic time scales and of the difficulties in sampling.\"" ;
		:acknowledgement = "JERICO-TNA" ;
		:author = "SOCIB Glider facility" ;
		:author_email = "" ;
		:cdm_data_type = "Trajectory" ;
		:citation = "Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System." ;
		:comment = "Data regularized, corrected and/or derived from raw glider data." ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
		:creator = "SOCIB Glider facility" ;
		:creator_email = "" ;
		:creator_url = "" ;
		:data_center = "SOCIB Data Center" ;
		:data_center_email = "" ;
		:data_mode = "delayed time" ;
		:date_modified = "2016-05-31T12:27:32+00:00" ;
		:featureType = "trajectory" ;
		:geospatial_lat_max = 39.2567716666667 ;
		:geospatial_lat_min = 39.089295 ;
		:geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north" ;
		:geospatial_lon_max = 2.620575 ;
		:geospatial_lon_min = 2.57202333333333 ;
		:geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east" ;
		:history = "Product generated by the glider toolbox version 1.2.0 (" ;
		:institution = "SOCIB (Sistema de Observación y predicción Costero de las Islas Baleares)" ;
		:institution_references = "" ;
		:instrument = "SCB-SLDEEP001" ;
		:instrument_manufacturer = "Teledyne" ;
		:instrument_model = "Slocum G2 Deep" ;
		:license = "Approved for public release. Distribution Unlimited." ;
		:netcdf_version = "4.0.1" ;
		:positioning_system = "GPS and dead reckoning" ;
		:principal_investigator = "Prof. Giorgio Budillon" ;
		:principal_investigator_email = "" ;
		:processing_level = "L1 processed data with corrections and derivations" ;
		:project = "SOCIB Open Access" ;
		:publisher = "SOCIB" ;
		:publisher_email = "" ;
		:publisher_url = "" ;
		:source = "glider" ;
		:source_files = "sdeep01-2014-240-0-0-dbd(01260000)\n",
			"" ;
		:standard_name_vocabulary = "" ;
		:summary = "1st Deployment of Slocum G2 deep glider sdeep01 in Open Access mission in the frame of JERICO project (TNA programme), covering 2 transects between Mallorca and Algeria Basin.\n",
			"This first attempt ended prematurely on Sept-3rd due to DE_PUMP wrong functioning.\n",
			"Description from TNA solicitor:\n",
			"\"research focuses on the main characteristics of the Algerian basin circulation. Just after the Alboran Sea, the Algerian Basin is the first wide basin crossed by Atlantic water entering the Mediterranean Sea. It is dominated by the presence of very energetic mesoscale structures that usually develop from meander of the Algerian Current (AC) to isolated cyclonic and anti-cyclonic mesoscale eddies. Despite of the large bibliography about the circulation of the entire Mediterranean Sea and its sub-basins, knowledge about these eddies is still incomplete because of their intrinsic time scales and of the difficulties in sampling.\"" ;
		:time_coverage_end = "2014-09-03T09:59:59+00:00" ;
		:time_coverage_start = "2014-09-01T10:00:00+00:00" ;
		:title = "Glider deployment delayed time processed data" ;
		:transmission_system = "IRIDIUM" ;