SOCIB Seminars: “Ocean prediction: the new role of underwater gliders”, by Baptiste Mourre
Baptiste Mourre (SOCIB Modelling and Forecasting Facility) gave a seminar entitled: "Ocean prediction: the new role of underwater gliders", held at IMEDEA on 13th of March 2014, as part of the IMEDEA monthly research seminars. Recent scientific, tecnological and computer advances have allowed the establishment of high-resolution operational ocean predictions models representing mesoscale and sub-mesoscale variability at the regional scale. The assimilation of observations in these models is generally necessary to improve the realism of the predictions. At the same time, underwater gliders have carved out a niche among the most essential observation platforms within the framework of the new regional ocean observing infrastructures. Its relative ease of use and low operational cost, autonomy and long life in the water have been key to this success, combined with its ability to provide high-resolution space-time measurements. Furthermore, using a satellite communication system, submarine gliders allow piloting in near-real time from a control room, opening the possibility for adaptive sampling procedures, when the platforms are directed by the model forecasts to minimize the associated uncertainties.