New SOCIB paper published: SOCIB the impact of new marine infrastructures in understanding and forecasting the Mediterranean Sea
The paper presents SOCIB in the international frame of Ocean Observatories and describes the ongoing actions from the Observing and Modeling facilities, as well as from the Data Center. The paper is the contribution to CIESM workshop N 43, that took place in 2011 in Supetar.
For more information please visit: CIESM Workshop
Citation: Tintoré, J., G. Vizoso, B. Casas, S. Ruiz, E. Heslop, L. Renault, T. Oguz, B. Garau, A. Pascual, M. Martínez-Ledesma, L. Gómez-Pujol, A. Álvarez-Ellacuría, A. Orfila, F. Alemany, D. Álvarez-Berastegui, P. Reglero, E. Massuti, P. Vélez-Belchí, J. Ruiz, M. Gómez, E. Álvarez, M. Manriquez. , 2012: SOCIB the impact of new marine infrastructures in understanding and forecasting the Mediterranean Sea. pp 99-118. In CIESM: Designing Med-SHIPS: a Program for repeated oceanographic surveys. N. 43 CIESM Workshops Monographs (F. Briand Ed.), 164 pages, Monaco.