Last update: 24 Apr 2024 05:38:00 UTC

Mobims Son Bou

Coastal Station

Station image

Station location

Position: Lat: 39º53.84793' | Lon: 4º4.21149'

Station variables

Air temperature

10.2 degrees_°C
at 43 m
Atmosphere Dynamics

Wind from direction

at 43 m
Atmosphere Dynamics

Wind speed

1.7 m/s
at 43 m
Atmosphere Dynamics

Air pressure

1010.7 hPa
at 43 m
Atmosphere Dynamics

Wave height

0.33 m

Wave direction


Current speed

0.03 m/s
Ocean Dynamics

Current direction

Ocean Dynamics

Webcam image - SCB-ETDCAM013

Webcam Animation - SCB-ETDCAM013

Station info

SOCIB's Modular Beach Integral Monitoring System (MOBIMS) located at Son Bou beach (Menorca) consists of 1 SIRENA videomonitoring station, 1 Nortek AWAC, 1 Vaisala WXT520 weather station and 6 month beach and sediment survey . The main objective of this platforms is to provide measures on beach shoreline and sediment budget evolution and the related forcings.
Moorings at Son Bou platform: 1 Vaisala WXT520 that measures barometric pressure, air temperature, wind velocity and direction, relative humidity and precipitation. 1 Nortek AWAC that measure current velocity and direction profile and wave height, period and direction.
The Son Bou platform is operating since October 2011 and has the support of the hotel Sol Milanos-Pingüinos.

This station has the support of:
Mobims Son Bou